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Two Cent Tuesday – Seminary Prayer

(First, let me begin by saying sorry to those who are not a current seminarian and can’t answer this question… however, I think the results are important for both current and future seminarians and something we must ask here.)

I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer and seminary. Sure, your professor says a prayer before the lecture begins, but other than that, would you consider your seminary a place of prayer? If not, what does that say?

Statistics (that I plan to blog about later this week… I hope) show that most seminary graduates go into parish ministry of some sort. Seminary is a major part of the training process for this ministry… yet, how are we equipped for this call? Reading, papers, lectures… Sure, all are VERY important… but what about prayer?

I don’t know… I think this will be a topic I spend some time thinking about over the next few months (maybe years).

Anyway, here ya go… two pennies please:

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns