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Author - Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

God at Work in Your Classes

There is that old time “joke” of calling seminary, “cemeteries.” What is the cause of this notorious designation you ask? I can personally testify to experiencing some of this so called “deadening” as the Bible becomes a piece of literature to...

Being Married in Seminary

I cannot help but laugh at the timing of my writing of this post. I am sitting here fiddling through a basket of fries from an order of food my husband and I picked up after an exhausting day of arguing and bickering. It reminded me why a need for a...

Brotherhood in Semianry

What is brotherhood? One definition I came across is, “the feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of people or all people.” I would like to venture to say that brotherhood is necessary in seminary and generally, in life. As a second year...

Time Management & Eternity

I’m writing this article so I don’t have to do Greek homework. The worst part is I know I’m procrastinating. Actually, that’s not the worst part… I have put my Greek homework off for the whole week. Now that I have that confessions off my chest, we...

Seminary Study Tips

If you’re a seminary student, then chances are you are always looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of your study times. This effectiveness can be played out in multiple ways: through better organization practices, memorization tips, useful...

Seminary Students Need Counseling

There are around 100 new students this year at my seminary who are seeking a Master’s Degree in Divinity. Many of them have concentrations in theology, leadership, apologetics, chaplaincy. So many in fact, that I am the only new M-Div student this...

Mentorship during Seminary? Is it overrated?

Perhaps you have heard repeatedly about the importance of having a mentor during seminary. Perhaps you are at a seminary that requires it. Or perhaps you believe that mentorship is overrated and really isn’t beneficial. Regardless of where you stand...

The Books You Read in Seminary

My mom, an avid reader who often is in the middle of four books at the same time, once passed on some counsel to me: Don’t read good books, only great ones. The advice is both challenging and inherently futile; for how can you know if a book is...

Tips for Dating in Seminary

Dating while you are in seminary can be a challenge. It looks different for each couple no doubt, with two people involved there is an endless amount of factors to what your relationship looks like while you are in seminary. Are you both in school...

Study Tips for Becoming a Greek Geek

By Rebecca Dobyns In seminary, Greek is always the subject everyone winces about. I have heard more “I’m sorry”s or “Have fun with that”s about taking Greek than about any other subject, except perhaps Hebrew.  Granted, much of it is in jest, and...

Two Overlooked Seminary Opportunities

Most seminary degree programs have a required set of classes that the student must take in order to graduate. For instance, there is no way to get around that preaching class or Greek or Hebrew. However, many schools also allow students to customize...

Making the Most of your Intersession Breaks

So you just finished your last Final and so begins your intersession break. Now it’s time for a vacation and relaxation right? Well, yes but not entirely. I’ve made the mistake in the past of utilizing my breaks as “detox” periods from school and a...

15 Ways to Save Money in Seminary

Are you trying to pay for a seminary education? In today’s world, it can be difficult to afford paying for any form of high education. If God has called you to further prepare for ministry, then seminary is one of the best ways to prepare for it...

Staying Sane in Seminary

Wake up. Study. Class. Read. Class. Study. Class. Write. Read. Read. (oh yeah, eat.) Sleep. Certain days at seminary may look like this. You may spend over 12 hours in one day working on a single paper (something I did about a week ago). It’s easy...

5 Ways to Avoid Burnout in Seminary

Seminary can be an extremely busy time. Three papers to write over the weekend. A Greek test on Tuesday. Four books to read over the next week. Oh, and don’t forget that you are on the schedule for teaching at church this weekend! Busyness in...

How to Have a Job and Go to Seminary

It is no secret that seminary is quite demanding academically but, add a job onto it and it feels impossible. However, there are a few ways to more easily balance (if there is such a thing) the two. As someone who goes to school full time, works...

Staying Healthy in Seminary

We live in a health-crazed world. With the help of the latest technology we are able to track information about our health with the simple push of an app on our smartphones. Even without the use of smartphones, we have access to an incredible amount...

22 Great Apps for Seminary Students

I value any apps that can help my seminary studies, enhance my ministry skills, and save me valuable time so that I have more time to rest and spend with people. Since starting in seminary, some of these apps have been very useful to me. Here is a...

Choosing Classes in Seminary

Your choice of classes in seminary can make or break your education. If you’re going to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a masters degree, you owe it to yourself to make sure you get the best education possible. More than that, you owe it...

Greek, Grades, and Grace

“Surely that can’t be right.” I leaned closer to the computer screen, willing away the obvious. However, it was hard to deny the pull of reality, and the next few minutes were spent coming to grips with the fact that in my first...

How to Survive Greek Exegesis Capstone Class

The hardest class I have taken in seminary is Greek Exegesis of James. This was the capstone class for the Biblical Greek classes and includes creating narrative flows, taking weekly quizzes, a Final exam, and writing the “notorious” exegesis paper...

3 Tips for Learning Greek

Greek class often gets a bad rap in seminary. Bible students would probably interpret Paul’s words about trials and tribulations to be a reference to Greek class. “For what can separate us from the love of God…certainly Greek class...

Theology and Spirituality in Seminary

One of my teachers in the Seminary once remarked that theology has the tendency of making theological students and teachers become complacent and lukewarm about spiritual things. At first, I joined others in criticizing the teacher’s statement on...

How To Succeed in Seminary

It’s May, which for most schools is graduation season. Men and women who have invested countless hours in classrooms and libraries are now preparing for the ceremony that will mark the end of a sometimes long and often very difficult journey...

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