Author and humorist Jon Acuff recently relaunched his popular blog, We had a chance to speak with him about it.
For those who may not know you, who are you and what do you do?
I write books, speak all over the country, and help companies and individuals figure out the story they want to tell the world. I live in Nashville, TN, with my wife and two daughters.
For those who think they know you, what’s something most have either overlooked, or couldn’t possibly know, about you?
I think that most people don’t know that my wife is working on a book about being married to a dreamer. Not just from a wife’s perspective—from a spouse’s perspective—because often the wife is the dreamer. It comes out next year and I’m really excited about that.
You’ve recently started over with all your blogs. Why?
I went through a job transition and needed to start over.
You have four New York Times bestselling books. Are there more on the way in 2014?
I don’t know. I’ve got some thinking and writing I need to do before I can answer that.
How does your relationship with Christ affect which projects, such as blogs and books, you pursue?
Although my books are business books, I would say that in the same way that my faith affects my conversations with people, it affects how I write. I try to share the truth creatively in everything I do.
In between all the speaking, writing, and posting hilarious things on Instagram, what does your personal Bible study look like?
It looks like a rambling adventure. I am very much a “read and take notes” kind of guy, so usually it looks like me reading the same passage 10 times and taking notes and ideas.
The “About” section of the new mentions that you helped build two kindergartens in Vietnam. Why?
My daughter challenged me to do more with the fun platform God had given me. You don’t own your platform, you borrow it from the people who support you. I believed they wanted to do more too. And they did.
OK, you get the last word. Go!