How to Use Sermon Archives like Commentaries in Logos

Did you know sermon archives function much like commentaries in Logos? This post will show you how to get the most use out of sermon collections in Logos.

Broadly speaking, there are three main ways to use sermons beyond manually finding them in your library:

  1. Through the Passage Guide
  2. Through the Sermon Starter Guide
  3. Through custom collections

1. Use the Passage Guide

Let’s say you’re studying a particular passage and you want to see how other preachers have treated it. Open a Passage Guide, and enter your reference.

Scroll down to the Sermons section, and you’ll see everywhere that passage is treated in the sermons in your library.

2. Sermon Starter Guide

Much like the Passage Guide, the Sermon Starter Guide pulls in relevant sermons from your collection on whatever topic you choose.

Let’s say you’re preaching on humility. Enter that in the search, and scroll down to “Sermons” to see, once again, what other preachers in your library say about it.

This video provides a walkthrough of what we’ve covered so far, as well as how to search sermon manuscripts for great quotes. If a quote sticks out to you, you can generate a beautifully designed quote slide for your sermon presentation in seconds using Visual Copy or Sermon Editor.

3. Custom collections

Let’s say you’re preaching through the whole book of Ephesians, and you want to create an arsenal of resources for your study—commentaries, sermons, maybe even books on Pauline theology.

Here’s where the Collections Tool comes in handy. You can create custom collections, and then search only that collection in your studies. The below video walks you through this, as does the written tutorial.

This way, you create a quick path to your sermon archives, and then only the most relevant portions.

In Logos, sermons are more than transcripts—they’re Bible study tools. Linked and tagged like any other Logos resource, they are searchable and interconnected with your whole library, so you can access relevant insights in seconds.

Want more sermons in your library? Now’s a good time to add them—many sermon archives are currently 30% off.

Written by
Matthew Boffey

Matthew Boffey (MDiv, Trinity International University) is the pastor of worship at Christ Church Bellingham. He is also editor-in-chief of Ministry Team magazine, has edited several books, and has written for several blogs and publications, including Relevant online, the Logos blog, and the Faithlife blog.

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Written by Matthew Boffey
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