So here’s an observant question from a Logos user: “I’m really enjoying the Faithlife Study Bible but noticed a Bible selector on its toolbar. What’s that all about?”
That’s a good eye and it provides me an opportunity to showcase this resource. Since its publication several years ago it has become my go-to study Bible. Its many features include:
- Bible book introductions
- Links to maps
- Sidebars with great articles
- Infographics
- Insightful comments for most verses of the Bible
- And much more.
If you haven’t already made it a regular part of your study, please check it out.
But what about this Bible selector the Logos user asked about?
As you probably know, study Bibles offer comments on verses of the Bible and many will place portions of the verses in the notes themselves.
For example:
- Open the Faithlife Study Bible to Colossians 2:15 (A)
- Notice in the image below the note for the verse contains disarmed the rulers and the authorities in bold which is the part of the verse the note is discussing (B)
- Notice the drop-down Bible selector is set to Default which indicates the wording disarmed the rulers and the authorities is coming from the Default or Preferred Bible which in my case is the ESV (C)
- Change the drop-down Bible selector to KJV (D)
- Notice the wording in the note changes to having spoiled principalities and powers which is how the KJV translates this phrase (E)
So with this small, but impactful feature you can have an “NKJV Study Bible,” “NRSV Study Bible,” etc.
This Bible selector simply makes it easier to identify the specific wording from a Bible in the Faithlife Study Bible itself. Pretty cool, eh?
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And don’t forget to follow and you’ll automatically receive a FREE digital download of Dr. Grant Osborne’s commentary Ephesians Verse by Verse.