Sacra Doctrina: The Depth of the Riches

Many of the world’s technological advances have helped to make the world a smaller, more intimate place. From the lateen sail and the internal combustion engine to the printing press and the World Wide Web,  the speed which people and ideas travel around the globe is increasing rapidly.

Although this is a great advantage for the Gospel, it comes with challenging questions as well. How do we maintain an attitude of respect toward other religious viewpoints without compromising our commitment and beliefs in the Christian faith? What is a healthy middle ground between the polar extremes of pluralism and exclusivism?

These are just a couple of the questions that S. Mark Heim attempts to tackle in his award-winning book The Depth of the Riches. In this winner of the Theologos Award for Best Academic Book in 2001 from the Association of Theological Booksellers, Heim looks closely at, not only the paths of various religions, but also their salvific ends.

Retired professor Emeritus of World Christianity at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Dr. M. Thangaraj said this about The Depth of the Riches,

“How do I maintain an attitude of respect for and reverence toward other religions without compromising my strong commitment to the Christian faith? Christians cannot but struggle with this  question in today’s setting of religious pluralism. S. Mark Heim assists us in this struggle by offering a clear analysis of the grammar of religious diversity and a creative exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity. This book presents ‘a meditation on the Trinity,’ one that celebrates both the unique act of salvation in Jesus the Christ and the trinitarian plenitute that houses a variety of religious ends. Heim writes in such a way that, while reading his book, we can think, argue, and pray—all at the same time.”

The Depth of the Riches is only one of the six books in the Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age Series, a collection dedicated to applying Christian tradition and Scripture to the new challenges in our postmodern context.

In the Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age Series you will find timely discussions on such important topics as ecological theology, the church as a reflection of the Trinity, a theological look at human personhood, and more. This collection deals with postmodern concerns both theologically and academically without being entirely unapproachable.

Is there a title you find particularly interesting in this collection? Let us know!

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Logos Staff

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