It’s National Book Lovers Day—Here Are 5 of Our Favorites

Today is National Book Lovers Day, a day set aside for those unique souls whose idea of a perfect vacation involves long days of reading. Those folks who never leave their house without a book in hand, those lovers of words who find more joy in the pages of an old book than their own birthday party.

It’s a day meant to encourage bibliophiles to celebrate their love for reading and literature. 

And we get you.

So this year, we thought we’d share five of our favorite books published by our own Lexham Press. 

The Lexham English Septuagint

I distinctly recall the moment that it clicked with me what my eccentric and brilliant Old Testament professor was doing in class: he was demonstrating the usefulness of checking multiple Bible translations. And one of them he always brought in was the Septuagint, the ancient Greek translation of the Jewish Scriptures. I began to see how useful it is to read what people far closer—in every way—to the times of David and Moses and Isaiah made of knotty OT passages. And for English readers, the best way to see this for yourself is a book I was privileged to help edit and design: the Lexham English Septuagint. It’s literal, which is what you want in an English Septuagint. And the physical book is really beautiful.

—Mark Ward, Academic Editor, Lexham Press

Get The Lexham English Septuagint now.

Christ and Calamity

Reading Christ and Calamity is like taking a deep, cleansing breath. Even as the world around us grows more tumultuous, Harold L. Senkbeil reminds us of our unchanging, ever-present Savior. Each chapter offers a short meditation on how Jesus comes near to us in days of trouble, and prayers and passages throughout the book help us respond in faith. I read the book in one sitting and emerged with a renewed sense of hope in God and his work in the world.

—Jennifer Grisham, Content Marketing Team Lead, Faithlife 

Get Christ and Calamity now.

Journeys of the Apostle Paul 

Journeys of the Apostle Paul helped me understand the character of Paul much better. The interior maps of his journeys are such a great way to visualize his missions and follow along step by step. This is a great coffee table book!

Here are a few sample pages: 


—Lydia Dahl, Graphic Designer, Faithlife

Get Journeys of the Apostle Paul now.

Preaching the Word

Living through times that are fraught with so much uncertainty, I’ve been finding courage through reading the stories of Christians throughout history. Many are fascinating people in their own right, but their lives also remind me that the world has seen great trouble before—and encourage me to rely on Christ and witness to his love.

Lexham’s Lived Theology series provides several such examples; the latest volume is on John Chrysostom, who certainly experienced both success and turmoil as he navigated changing church and political dynamics. Preaching the Word with John Chrysostom introduces readers to John the person—and to his “golden-tongued” preaching—allowing the reader to “meet” this famous preacher and take heart from his example and words.

—Abigail Stocker, Editor, Lexham Press

Get Preaching the Word with John Chrysostom now.


Dr. Mike Heiser’s piercing look into the powers of darkness will upend your assumptions about “bad guys” of the Bible. Demons pulls back the veil on the worldview of ancient Israelites and their neighbors on the dark side of the unseen realm. You’ll get a handle on the three spiritual rebellions in Genesis and reframe the beliefs we inherit from tradition. Best of all, Dr. Heiser makes his case from Scripture with a massive amount of scholarly research. Demons might be the most important book written on the subject for a long time. An instant classic. 

—Reuben Evans, Executive Producer Faithlife TV/Faithlife Films

Get Demons now.

See more Faithlife staff picks.

Written by
Karen Engle

Karen Engle is a copy editor for Faithlife. She has a master's in biblical studies and theology from Western Seminary and frequently takes groups to Israel.

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Written by Karen Engle