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6 Ways Proclaim Saves You Time

Proclaim Church Presentation Software is designed to make your life easier. Stop stressing about last-minute emails. Don’t panic about spontaneous changes in your service. And never wonder again if you chose the right font or if you could have made it all look better.

Here are six ways that Proclaim saves you time:

1. Import files, services, and songs

Say your pastor still uses PowerPoint when putting together sermons. Or that your church prepares your order of service with Planning Center Online. If your tech person uses another program, it’s tedious to copy and paste the slides and recreate the order of service. With Proclaim, you can import files directly from PowerPoint, import your order of service from Planning Center Online, and if you have CCLI SongSelect, you can legally import song slides directly into your service, exactly as they are legally required to appear—so you can save time without cutting corners.

2. Get slides just right with less work

One of Proclaim’s unique features is Smart Media—powerful media that autofills fields and preselects the best font, size, and color for your text. All of Proclaim’s Smart Media is created by professional designers who have already taken the time to find what text looks best with each background, so you don’t have to. If you want to change the size of your text, adjusting the size of the text box instantly adjusts the text as well, so it’s easy to get it just right. Smart Media also remembers your church name, contact information, and other fields you use all the time, you never have to spend time retyping them.

3. Pick from premade presentations

Proclaim gives you the freedom to completely design your presentation from the ground up. But sometimes you just want something that looks nice and doesn’t take a lot of work. Proclaim offers you plenty of pre-created presentations to choose from, so you can build presentations quickly without sacrificing quality.

4. Never lose your work

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting time and effort into creating a beautiful presentation, and then forgetting to save it or somehow losing it in the abyss of your computer’s files. Proclaim saves everything as you go, and it stores your presentations in the cloud, so you can always pick up right where you left off—even if you switch computers.

5. Change presentations on the fly

Sometimes things come up mid-service. Sometimes a pastor or a guest speaker may want to change what they’re saying or the Scripture they’re referencing in the middle of the service. When this happens, Proclaim makes sure you’re ready. The quick screen makes sure your congregation doesn’t watch you flip between slides, and with the On-Screen Bible, you can spontaneously create captivating animations that hone in on unplanned passages.

6. Send graphics and quotes straight from your personal study

Powerful sermons take a lot of preparation. When you spend hours pouring over books, you’re bound to discover gems worth sharing in your sermon. If you study with Logos Bible Software, you can highlight a passage or a graphic and send it straight to the cloud, so it’s ready to go when you are.

If your congregation uses liturgies together, when you send significant portions to your presentation, Proclaim automatically arranges it on your slides at the ideal size.

* * *

If you haven’t experienced Proclaim’s time-saving tools, try them free. Download Proclaim today.

Written by
Ryan Nelson

Ryan Nelson is a writer for OverviewBible, where he uses Logos to explore the characters, groups, places, and books of the Bible. He has served in a variety of volunteer ministry positions, primarily through Young Life.

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caebafaf?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Ryan Nelson