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20 Dynamic Warren Wiersbe Quotes

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image of warren wiersbe for post with some famous warren wiersbe quotesBorn May 16, 1929, beloved author, pastor, and preacher Dr. Warren Wiersbe was best known for the Old Testament “Be” Series and New Testament “Be” Series of expositional Bible studies, which have sold more than four million copies. But not many know that Wiersbe’s first foray into publishing had more to do with his love of magic tricks than with his spiritual pursuits.

As a teenager, Wiersbe wrote a book and sent his manuscript to the L. L. Ireland Magic Company. In 1944 they published his For Magicians Only: Action with Cards. This early success fed Wiersbe’s desire to write68 years later, he had written more than 150 books.

Here are 20 inspiring Warren Wiersbe quotes:

The Christian life is not a playground; it is a battleground, and we must be on our guard at all times. Share on X —from The Bumps Are What You Climb On

This modern emphasis only on personal salvation makes us lose sight of the grandeur and glory of God’s church. I am not minimizing our personal experience with Christ, but I am affirming that it is not the primary goal that God has in mind.… Share on X —from Prayer: Basic Training

You don’t have to read very far in your Bible to discover that God forgives His servants and restores them to ministry. Share on X —from Be Amazed

The immediate purpose of prayer is the accomplishing of God’s will on earth; the ultimate purpose of prayer is the eternal glory of God. Share on X —from On Earth as It Is in Heaven: How the Lord’s Prayer Teaches Us to Pray More Effectively

For the most part, the people we serve in our congregations don’t look like Josephs, Esthers, or Davids, nor do we; but the same God who glorified himself in the lives of 'ordinary people' in ancient days will glorify himself in our lives… Share on X —from 10 Power Principles for Christian Service

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God’s people don’t live on explanations; they live on promises. Share on X —from Be Heroic

We may be statistics and numbers as far as the world’s computers are concerned, but we are precious individuals as far as our Shepherd is concerned. He knows his sheep personally. Share on X —from Be What You Are

Satan wants us to think that our 'disobedience detours' must become the permanent road for the rest of our lives, but this is a lie. Share on X —from Be Obedient

The most important meeting we as leaders attend is that daily personal meeting with the Lord, before the day begins, when worship and meditation increase our faith as we receive the orders for the day. Share on X —from On Being a Leader for God

If you serve only to earn a salary, you will never do your best as long as you think you’re underpaid. If you minister to get recognition, you will start doing less when people don’t show their appreciation. The only motivation that will… Share on X —from On Being a Servant of God

Each member in the body of Christ is important, and we all need one another and to minister to one another. Since there’s no competition in the work of the Lord, there’s no need for us to promote ourselves. The important thing is that God… Share on X —from Be Available: Judges

'Christ died' is only a fact in history, like 'Napoleon died.' The Gospel message is that Christ died for our sins (Cor. 15:1–4, italics mine). Share on X  from Be Comforted: Isaiah

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Impatience was one of Israel’s besetting sins, and God was helping them learn patient obedience; for it’s through 'faith and patience' that God’s people inherit what He has promised. God is never in a hurry.He knows what He’s doing, and His… Share on X  from Be Strong: Joshua

When believers have a godly ministry that exalts the Lord and obeys the Word, they are only too glad to bring their tithes and offerings to support it. A worldly ministry that seeks only to fulfill its own ambitions does not deserve the… Share on X from Be Determined: Nehemiah

If people can be sensible about these everyday matters, why can’t they be sensible about eternal matters, especially since the consequences are much more tragic? Share on X from Be Decisive: Jeremiah

The biggest thieves of all are the lazy people who could work but won’t, the people who consume what others produce but produce nothing for others to use. The ‘sluggard’ and the ‘slothful man’ are mentioned at least seventeen times in… Share on X from Be Skillful: Proverbs

'Be still, and know that I am God’ (Ps. 46:10) is a wonderful antidote for a restless spirit. The Hebrew word translated ‘be still’ means ‘take your hands off, relax.’ It’s so easy for us to get impatient with the Lord and start meddling in… Share on X from Be Committed: Ruth & Esther

There is true consolation in our faith, but it is not dispensed in convenient doses like cough medicine. It can be shared only by those who know what it’s like to be so far down in the pit that they feel as though God has abandoned them. If… Share on X from Be Patient: Job

For some people, life may be monotonous and meaningless; but it doesn't have to be. For the Christian believer, life is an open door, not a closed circle; there are daily experiences of new blessings from the Lord. True, we can’t explain… Share on X from Be Satisfied: Ecclesiastes

The fact that God devoted an entire book of the Bible to the subject of holiness would indicate that it’s an important subject, one that we dare not ignore. Share on X from Be Holy: Leviticus

You can find uplifting Wiersbe books through Logos, including the 27-volume Warren Wiersbe’s Old Testament “Be” Series and The Bible Exposition Commentary: An Exposition of the New Testament Containing the Entire “Be” Series.

Related: Warren Wiersbe, Who ‘Married Adventure,’ Completes His Journey

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