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Your New Go-To Place for Theological Discussion

There are a lot of logical or cultural sayings people believe are biblical that can’t be found in the Bible. Right now, on Christian Discourse, there’s a conversation examining some of these familiar sayings.

Nate Smoyer asked: “What are common sayings or teachings you’ve heard, or have had spoken to you, that aren’t found in the Bible?”

Here’s one response:


What common teachings do you know that are mistaken as biblical? Share them with the Christian Discourse community!

Join the conversation

Christian DiscourseChristian Discourse is a place for honest conversations about the things that matter most. It’s designed to guide you in exploring Christianity through discussion. You’ll find conversations on theology, apologetics, devotional thoughts, Bible questions, and more—all tied to Christian living. Discover biblical insights from followers of Christ on our culture’s most pertinent issues and our world’s most pressing troubles.

And here’s the best part: you can join in and contribute to the discussion. Your thoughts and concerns matter—Christian Discourse is a safe place to share them with your family in Christ.

Join the conversation today!

Written by
Dominic Sickich
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Written by Dominic Sickich