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Pets That Love Logos

You know we’re passionate about bringing you the best possible tools for studying and presenting the Word. You also know we’re passionate about our mission to serve the church. But did you know we’re passionate about our family pets, too?

We want to see your pets! Post a photo of your furry friend with Logos merchandise and tag it on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #PetsLoveLogos. Then, check out everyone’s pets on our Tagboard.

With over 400 employees, we have hundreds of pets to choose from, but here are four that we think you’ll like:

Tallulah Kangaroola

This adorable baby red kangaroo belongs to Scott Lindsey, director of ministry relations, and his wife, Michelle. Tallulah particularly bonded with their youngest daughter, Havensong. When not curled up in her carrying pouch or playing with Havensong, Tallulah enjoys donning a soft Logos onesie! This onesie is made from 100% organic cotton—making it both environmentally friendly and comfortable, perfect for kids and kangaroos alike.



Louie the Rhodesian Ridgebackpets-love-logos-louie

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known for the strip of fur along their spines that grows backward, creating a ridge. Louie is looking particularly handsome in his blue tie adorned with a Logos sticker! Louie is part of recruiter Jennifer Spoelstra’s family, and he enjoys long cross-country trail runs with Spoelstra’s husband, Jared. You can get these stickers in two sizes—each pack includes both large and small icons to fit any surface.


Kes the Canadian Sphynx Catpets-love-logos-kes-the-cat

With blue point markings and baby-blue eyes, Kes is a striking girl! She’s been a part of my family for nearly two years, but I don’t think she’ll ever be big enough to fit a Logos onesie. Sphynx cats are nearly hairless, with a fine dusting of peach fuzz that is usually thicker on the tail, toes, and nose. Kes enjoys cuddling, knocking things off the kitchen counter, and playing fetch.


Wolfgang the Hedgehogpets-love-logos-wolfgang-the-hedgehog

Tiny and spiny, Wolfgang is an adorable little hedgehog. He is pretty relaxed, often posing for photographs snapped by owner Chris Jespersen, a member of our video team. In this shot, Wolfgang broke out his party hat and climbed into a bowl—both adorned with Logos stickers for a Logos-themed celebration! If you’re a fan of Faithlife, you can expand your sticker collection with its green leaf logo, too.

* * *

We want to see your pets! Post their photos to Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #PetsLoveLogos, and don’t forget to include Logos merchandise in your photo! Logos carries a ton of items that you and your pets will love—from onesies and coffee mugs to our newest Verse of the Day merchandise.

Pick up some new Logos merchandise today, and show us your pet photos!​

Written by
Amanda Olson
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Written by Amanda Olson