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Uncover New Insights in John 4 with the Feature Crossgrade

You’ve got a library full of fantastic resources. You’re impressed by the powerful tools in Logos 6, but you’re budget is tight. Is there a way to keep your current library and get all the features of Logos 6? There is. It’s called the Feature Crossgrade. And right now, it’s 15% off.

What can the Feature Crossgrade do for your Bible study?

Let me show you by taking a look at John 4.

How did people in the first century worship?

Ever wonder what John meant when he wrote, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)? Start by examining worship as a cultural concept. By running a Passage Guide report, the Cultural Concepts section will populate with the topic “worship”. From that entry you’ll be linked to a Factbook page on worship, where you can drill down for more information on the topic. Expand the Cultural Concepts section to find hand-tagged resources that relate directly to the topic of worship. Here, I’ve pulled up the Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible‘s article on worship.

Cultural Concepts

Answer other tough questions and get the Cultural Concepts tool when you bridge the gap to Logos 6 with the Feature Crossgrade.

What is worshiping in spirit and truth?

What does it mean to “worship in spirit and truth”?  Sometimes being removed from the context of the biblical world makes interpreting Scripture difficult. Get help answering tough questions with writings from the early church. The Ancient Literature tool pulls relevant articles from these writings into the Passage Guide. For example, below you’ll see results from St. Ambrose writing on John 4 and the Holy Spirit:

AL Jn 4.24

Start using the Ancient Literature Tool–get the Feature Crossgrade today!

What does John mean by ‘spirit’?

As you work through this verse, you might ask yourself, “What does John mean by ‘spirit’ in this passage?  Run a Bible Word Study on the Greek lemma of the word “spirit” to understand how this term is used throughout the Bible. We’ve also introduced new sections to the Bible Word Study report. The new Sense Section in the Bible Word Study Guide takes you beyond the standard lexicon: discover all the alternate meanings of a word—in English, Greek, or Hebrew—and where they occur, all in one search. See the semantic role (or underlying relationship) a participant has with a verb, even if it’s not mentioned by name. Here’s the report I pulled up on the Greek lemma for pneuma as used in John 4:

TBT Image 7

Who was that Samaritan woman?

Maybe you’re just interested in the Samaritan woman Jesus was speaking to. What was she like? Why did the Jews and Samaritans dislike each other? The Biblical People section of the passage guide is powered by the Factbook. The Factbook is your go-to place for biblical information. This new tool functions like an encyclopedia, pulling together all of your datasets and resources, then presenting powerful overviews of each topic. In seconds you’ll search 20,000 Factbook pages that offer textual and visual resources on famous theologians, books of the Bible, ancient places, and more.  Check out this entry on the Samaritan woman from John 4:

Factbook Jn 4

How did Jesus travel to Samaria?

Are you curious about which route Jesus took to get to Samaria? Contextualize Scripture and better understand its stories, by tracking its storyline with the Atlas tool. The Atlas puts biblical narratives in context with elegant maps. Get dozens of new maps created by a professional cartographer that offer powerful functionality—including zoom options and panning. Check out Jesus’ trek to Samaria:

Jn 4 Atlas

It’s time for a change

Do you think it’s time for a change, but you feel your library is big enough? Great! Then the Feature Crossgrade is for you. When you upgrade you’ll keep all of your current resources and documents, and add all of the features of Logos 6—that’s it. And right now, you can get it for 15% off, plus your Dynamic Price (so you’ll never pay for a resource twice). But hurry, this sale won’t last long. Get your Feature Crossgrade by August 31 to save 15%.

We also have base packages from a variety of theological traditions. Whether you’re Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal-Charismatic, or Reformed you’ll find a library that will fit your needs.

Get all the features of Logos 6 today!

*Note: Depending on the breadth of your library, you may be missing the resources you need to get the most out of all the features of Logos 6. Check out the Feature Expansion Collections to round out your library today.
Written by
Taylor Blomquist

Taylor is the Marketing Manager for Logos Bible Software. He loves spending time with his family, discussing theology, and playing golf.

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Written by Taylor Blomquist