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How to Creatively Emphasize Text

In any given sentence—be it a worship song lyric or a church announcement—some words are more important than others.

That’s why it’s fun to be able to draw attention to those words with just a few clicks, like you can through Proclaim’s box fill justification and shape features.

Call out your message

Make your text as big as you want. Proclaim’s box fill justification feature lets you make your text expand to the edges of your text box, filling it with text.

Shape your message

Apply unique shapes to your text. Find this feature under Effects > Background Shapes. Use circles, squares, or rhombuses to shape your text, and experiment with text color to help make your message memorable.

Learn more about box fill justification and text shapes in this support article

As always, if you have ideas for changes you’d like to see, we’d love to hear them. Post them in the Faithlife Proclaim group.

Don’t yet have Faithlife Proclaim?

Start a free 30-day trial now (no credit card required). You’ll get Proclaim and Pro Media—a collection of 10,000+ professional church media designs—free for 30 days.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff