At times, the God-given task of family discipleship can seem too heavy to bear—yet it’s a parent’s highest priority. And fortunately, we are not alone in the task. Jesus promised never to leave or forsake us (Heb 13:5), and if he has tasked us with...
The one-minute apologist Bobby Conway discusses a good approach to apologetics (:10), and Matt and Lauren Chandler share insights on marriage (2:45). Get a crash course on evangelism Dr. Bobby Conway is the founder of the YouTube sensation, The One...
Dr. Greg Forster talks about how developing a theology of work affects our understanding of economics (0:10), and Matt and Lauren Chandler explain why marriage books sometimes cause more harm than good (5:24). Take a closer look at the theology of...
Take a closer look at the theology of work with Dr. Greg Forster Explore why it’s important for us to understand our daily work as something intimately connected with our faith, and how this allows our faith to be a full-time way of life rather than...