Tag - love and marriage

Good Seminarians, Good Husbands

In the beginning of seminary, I felt like more of a distraction than a priority. If I needed to talk to my sem hub (seminary husband) about something, I tried to wait until his mind was not occupied with his work, but found those moments few and far...

Making Time for Your Marriage in Seminary

A young man working in the ministry is asked to visit an up and coming church. When he enters the church he is greeted by a group of men and their spouses. The young man looks around, asking some questions, trying to get a feel for the place...

Dating while in seminary

The area of dating is tricky enough without adding the individual specifics of being a seminary student into the mix. Upon arrival my first day of classes my freshman year, I discovered a whole new realm of possibilities as far as dating goes. It...

Being Married in Seminary

I cannot help but laugh at the timing of my writing of this post. I am sitting here fiddling through a basket of fries from an order of food my husband and I picked up after an exhausting day of arguing and bickering. It reminded me why a need for a...

Tips for Dating in Seminary

Dating while you are in seminary can be a challenge. It looks different for each couple no doubt, with two people involved there is an endless amount of factors to what your relationship looks like while you are in seminary. Are you both in school...

Cheap Date Ideas for Seminarians

There are many ways to continue to cultivate a godly and healthy marriage while in seminary. Just one of many ways to do so is to have intentional date night at least every other week (or once a week if possible)! It is true that seminary can be a...

Family Life

There is a generation of pastors ministering today who were taught that they should take care of the church and let God take care of their families. As a result, the term ‘PK’ exists among parole officers to refer to a pastor’s kid...

A Better Husband

I have a problem. I think I’m a pretty good husband. Well, I guess it isn’t such a problem that I think that, but rather, the problem is how I came to that conclusion. See, the world is full of crummy husbands. There are guys out there...

When Balanced Is Not A Checkbox

Being married in seminary can be difficult. Making sure you don’t kill your marriage on the alter of academics is a balancing act we will all walk. Add children and a job and your complexity level just went through the roof. To make sure that...

When Ministry and Seminary Collide—

The family seems to always lose! This week, the first week of classes, has been an extraordinarily busy week. For many seminary students, I am sure this is a true statement. For seminary students who either work in a secular job or a ministry at a...

When Ministry and Seminary Collide

The family seems to always lose! This week, the first week of classes, has been an extraordinarily busy week. For many seminary students, I am sure this is a true statement. For seminary students who either work in a secular job or a ministry at a...

When an “A” Might Be Sin

I’m back! I’m sure no one has noticed, but since the last Love & Marriage post 6 weeks ago I’ve been missing in combat. Jeff and I have discovered that — surprise! — baby #2 is on the way. Consequently sleeping...

A Word to Seminary Wives

Guys, now’s the time when you go, make your wife a cup of tea, take the kids outside, and let her curl up on the couch with this blog. You’ll be glad you did. I am so thankful for the unique opportunity of simultaneously being a seminary...

Date Night

I once had a pastor who had the Rule of 7: Every 7 days take your wife on a date Every 7 weeks take your wife on a weekend get-away Every 7 months take your wife on a week’s vacation Now, that sounds all good-and-well but my mental calculator...

Setting Goals in Seminary

So, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this semester and trying to determine how I will know if the semester is a success. Is it a successful semester if I get straight A’s? Is the number of pages I read this semester a measure of...

Moving – A seminary’s advice

There is a brief post on the Concordia Blog with some advice for those who have to relocate for seminary. While not an exhaustive post on the subject, there are some great little pointers in regards to the practicals… Like don’t pack...

Tough transition day

My heart broke today. I walked into the kitchen to fix some lunch and saw my wife crying… enough said, right? I walked up and simply held her. “I’m sad,” she said through her tears. “I miss my friends.” There...

Health Insurance for seminary

Ok, health insurance is a pain in the neck. It is expensive and if you’re not on a company plan it is even more expensive. So, what are you to do? Well, first thing is to try and land a job that actually provides health insurance. Trick with...

Life is hectic

My apologies for being absent the past few days. As any seminarian will tell you, life is hectic. In preparation for our departure for seminary in January, I’ve been working full time at a start-up company in my town helping them with...

Advice for families going to seminary

While scouring the internet today for more information to help us all on our seminary journeys I stumbled across a great post on tHe Resurgence (not to be confused with theresurgence.com). The post, Advice for Seminary Students with Families (&...

When Sinners Say I Do

Ok, if you’re going to seminary I am going to assume that you like to read. If you don’t… um, yeah, seminary is not going to be fun for you. So, here at goingtoseminary.com you’ll probably find lots of book recommendations...

Reading the Bible to your kids

Anyone else read those children’s bibles and find yourself going, “oh, that is so wrong.” If I’m reading one to my kids and I find bad theology, I’ll typically just change the story to be a bit more in line with the...

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