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Stop the Stress: How to Build Cohesive Church Presentations Fast

If you’re the one building church presentations every week, you might wonder, How can I:

  • Do this faster
  • Be sure I’m choosing the best backgrounds
  • Get a consistent look for the entire presentation?

The answer: Smart Media. Take a quick look at these Smart Media features in Proclaim for some shortcuts and best practices in creating cohesive church presentations fast.

Set default Smart Media templates for any slide type

This one’s a time-saver. Let’s say you want all your lyric slides to have the same look and feel, or all of your announcement slides, or any kind of slide (all called “service item types”). How do you do that? You set default Smart Media templates by service item type. That way a slide looks how you want it to right when you add it, and you don’t have to go back and change anything. This will add nice consistency to your presentations.

Learn more about Smart Media templates here.

Find matching slides easily

Let’s say you’re working with one media series (a slide background package) for your song slides, and you want a matching background for the sermon slides. With a click you can find one, because Proclaim displays your current series conveniently in a sidebar—anticipating that you will want to pull from it for a consistent look.

Learn more about media series here.

Create your own Smart Media template

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Create your own template (get full instructions here). Choose from a host of backgrounds, text types, and layouts to build templates. Publish them once and reuse them as often as you’d like. You can even share them with the community—and use anything you find in the community media tab.

Don’t have Proclaim yet?

If you haven’t tried Proclaim, now is a great time to start a free trial. For a month, you and your whole church will get access to powerful church presentation software, plus over 14,000 Pro Media pieces (no credit card required).

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff