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Seminary Writers Wanted

The semester is winding down and summer “break” is approaching. On my to-do list this summer is launch version 2.0. One aspect of version 2.0 I am really looking forward to is the addition of more writers. As the comment sections will show, I am not the end-all of seminary information. There are many seminary students out there who have a wealth of experience and insight that would be tremendously valuable.

So, with that in mind I am now accepting applications for anyone who would like to join the team. At this time the job is unpaid. Writing experience, link love, and the warm fuzzy feeling of helping people out is all I really have to offer. Should the Lord provide some sponsors for the site then I fully intend to share the love with the contributors… but, right now, I can’t promise anything. That said, here are the details:

Job Opening: Writer
Current Seminarian, strong writing skills
The position requires you to regularly provide articles relating to all aspects of seminary life.
How to Apply: Use the contact form to let me know you are interested. Provide your name, seminary, and a link to your blog if you have one. In particular, if you’ve written any posts online that you would consider material, please send me a link to that as well. For those who do not have an example piece posted online, I will need you to send me an example article of something you would write for

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am truly looking forward to this next step in the life of this humble little blog…

OH, and part of the v2.0 launch will be the reveal of who Just a Guy really is… that’s right, for both of you who haven’t figured it out, I will finally reveal my true identity… I know! You can just about cut the anticipation with a knife!

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns