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Quickly See How a Word Is Translated in Multiple Bibles

image of someone studying the bible for a post about learning how a word is translated in the Bible

A fellow Logos user contacted me with this question:

I’m studying the word “note” in Romans 16:17 in my preferred Bible, which is the NKJV. How can I see how the underlying Greek word is translated in other Bibles?

This is a great Bible study question, and the solution can be achieved with different methods. In this blog, however, I’ll focus on perhaps the quickest way, which is the Information Tool:

image showing how a word is translated using the Logos Information tool
  • Open the NKJV to Romans 16:17 (A)
  • Choose Tools | Lookup | Information (B)
  • Choose the panel menu on Information (C)
  • Set Update on to HOVER (D)
image showing how a word is translated using the Logos Information tool
  • Rest the cursor on the word note in Romans 16:17 in the NKJV (E)
  • Notice the Translation section in Information displays how the underlying Greek lemma (dictionary form of the word) is translated in other interlinear Bibles (F)
image showing how a word is translated using the Logos Information tool
  • Rest the cursor on a different word such as urge (G), and you’ll see the Translation section immediately update (H)

This setup is an excellent way to read through a passage noting how key words are translated in different Bibles!

For more detailed training about the Information Tool, please check out 24/7 video training at

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Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor