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New Resource for Comparing Seminary Cost, Affiliation, and More

Finding the right seminary can be a long and frustrating process. It can take weeks to compile a list of potential schools and then research the affiliation, cost, and other vital details of each one. That is why Church Relevance recently created a new resource to make this initial process of finding and comparing seminaries much easier.

In this Big List of Theological Seminaries, you will find over 170 seminaries with sortable columns for the following categories:

  • Name
  • Denomination
  • Location
  • Cost (Average $ per credit hour)
  • Year Founded

If you want to compare seminaries by cost, simply click on “Cost Per Credit Hour” and the list will sort from low to high base on the tuition cost for one credit hour. Click it again and it will sort cost from high to low.

View the full list here.

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Written by brian-schmitt