We’ve compiled a list of 2014’s top 50 best-selling Logos resources so you can see which ones are favorites among Logos users! These resources cover topics like theology and New Testament studies, and they range from large collections to single-volume commentaries.
Browse all of 2014’s best-selling resources today—you’ll be sure to find a few to add to your library.
Take a closer look at five of 2014’s best-selling resources under $100 each:
1. Bible Study Magazine—$19.95
Bible Study Magazine delivers tools and methods for Bible study, as well as insights from respected Bible teachers, professors, historians, and archaeologists. In every 48-page issue, you’ll get sound advice and enriching insights from the pastors and scholars who have spent a lifetime applying the Bible to their lives and teaching others how to do the same.
2. I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible—$14.95
I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible visits some of the Bible’s most obscure passages, unveiling their ancient context to help you interpret them today. Many people ignore these baffling passages, but Dr. Michael Heiser helps you appreciate their importance. Read this book, and you’ll never have to be bored by the Bible again.
3. New Dictionary of Biblical Theology—$49.95
At the heart of this work is an A-to-Z encyclopedia of over 200 key biblical-theological themes, such as atonement, creation, eschatology, Israel, Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God, redemption, suffering, wisdom, and worship. Students and communicators of the Bible will find articles exploring the theology of each biblical book. And for those interested in the wider discipline of biblical theology, major articles explore foundational issues like the history of biblical theology, the challenges raised against biblical theology, and the unity and diversity of Scripture.
4. Read Greek in 30 Days or Less—$25.95
This volume covers Greek’s most essential grammatical concepts in 10 short lessons, with easy-to-understand techniques and useful examples from the New Testament and other Greek texts. This is a great tool for quickly building your Greek skills, regardless of your previous knowledge.
5. The Bible Speaks Today: New Testament—$99.95
This 22-volume series offers both in-depth analysis and practical application. John Stott (series editor and author of eight volumes) and other biblical scholars accurately expound the texts, clearly explain the messages, and relate the books to contemporary life. If you want a readable, insightful look at the New Testament, this is the collection for you.
Add these best-selling resources and more to your library today!