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Logos Live: Eric Mason

Logos Live with Chauncey Allmond and Eric Mason

What you’ll see in this Logos Live episode

Chauncey Allmond interviews Dr. Eric Mason, founder and lead pastor of Ephiphany Fellowship and founder and president of Thriving, an urban ministry organization. Hear about how preaching and pastoring adjusted because of the pandemic, why Dr. Mason wrote his books, how preaching is only a part of pastoring, and more.

To catch all of our Logos Lives, follow us on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe on YouTube.

Books & audiobooks by Eric Mason

Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity with the Gospel

Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity with the Gospel

Regular price: $21.99

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Unleashed: Being Conformed to the Image of Christ (audio)

Unleashed: Being Conformed to the Image of Christ (audio)

Regular price: $14.98

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Unleashed: Being Conformed to the Image of Christ

Unleashed: Being Conformed to the Image of Christ

Regular price: $11.99

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Exalting Jesus in 2 Corinthians (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary | CCE)

Exalting Jesus in 2 Corinthians (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary | CCE)

Regular price: $8.99

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Manhood Restored: How the Gospel Makes Men Whole

Manhood Restored: How the Gospel Makes Men Whole

Regular price: $6.99

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Beat God to the Punch: Because Jesus Demands Your Life

Beat God to the Punch: Because Jesus Demands Your Life

Regular price: $5.99

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B&H Eric Mason Collection (3 vols.)

B&H Eric Mason Collection (3 vols.)

Regular price: $23.99

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Nehemiah For You: Strength to Build for God (God’s Word for You | GWFY)

Nehemiah For You: Strength to Build for God (God’s Word for You | GWFY)

Regular price: $8.99

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Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice (audio)

Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice (audio)

Regular price: $15.99

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Written by
Chauncey Allmond

Chauncey is the manager of the National Presenter team at Faithlife. He and his team speak at conferences and webinars with the goal of bringing people closer to God’s word. Chauncey has a deep passion for technology. If there is an app, program, or gadget involved, he will be “geeked out.” Couple this with a love for God’s word, and it’s a perfect mix for presenting Logos Bible Software. Chauncey lives in the Dallas area with his lovely wife, Takeia, and their 5 kids. When not presenting Logos, Chauncey is probably tending to his vegetable garden or doing super large jigsaw puzzles.

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Screenshot    at .. PM x Written by Chauncey Allmond