Knox DMin—Study & Preach the Bible as a Whole

On the first day of Dr. Haddon Robinson’s DMin in Preaching and Teaching class, the first thing his students expected was a syllabus. What they got was a question. Dr. Robinson opened the Bible and asked, “What’s the big idea?”

Dr. Robinson’s question treats Scripture as one cohesive story, and so does the DMin overall. You’ll learn to see Christ in the Old Testament, even if you’re not expecting to—in the OT’s third-day motifs, for example, which point to the Resurrection. You’ll learn the literary techniques you need to follow the Bible’s patterns as they come together in one grand narrative. You’ll learn to read any given verse not as a stand-alone text but as one instance of a much larger story.

For these three DMin students, the education has been transformative:

Win the $18,000 John Piper Scholarship

If you’ve ever thought about studying the Bible at the highest academic level, you owe it to yourself to check out the DMin’s comprehensive John Piper Scholarship. You’ll get:

  • A world-class biblical education and a terminal degree
  • Logos 5’s enormous, smart Portfolio base package
  • $1,000 in Logos credit for additional books
  • Our academic discount, which multiplies that $1,000’s value

And because you’ll do almost all your studying from home, you won’t have to give up your current priorities as you earn your doctorate—free.

The entry deadline is December 31. Enter to win the John Piper Scholarship now!

Written by
David Davidson
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Written by David Davidson
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