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Barth’s Dogmatics in German and English

karl barth church dogmatics

Karl Barth, who lived from 1886–1968, was perhaps the most influential theologian of the twentieth century. Church Dogmatics (CD), Barth’s monumental life’s work that consists of more than 6 million words, was written over the span of 35 years. In CD, Barth covers the great doctrines of the Word, God, Creation and Reconciliation in depth. He made it his task “to take all that has been said before and to think it through once more and freshly to articulate it anew as a theology of the grace of God in Jesus Christ.”

If you have any interest in theology, you should own Barth, and you should read Barth. Barth’s dogmatic theology is loaded with engaging and provocative ideas which will challenge you for years to come. Barth’s writings have influenced countless theologians, including pastors and laypeople, who have come away from reading Barth with a renewed awe for the God of the Bible, whether they agree with Barth’s theology or not. Barth has the power to plunge you deep into the riches of Scripture and the incomprehensibleness of the Trinity, and no reader walks away unchanged.

The resources in these bilingual collections are linked to one another, allowing you to work with both texts simultaneously. Thus you can work through the original German while having immediate access to the English translation for consultation, or vice versa. This way you can fully experience the original beauty of Barth’s writings without sacrificing understanding. (And you can tell your friends you read German… sort of). 

karl barth church dogmatics kirchliche dogmatik

The 62-volume (!) Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics: English-German is now on pre-order only at Logos.

Looking for just the original German? You can find that here, too.

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Logos Staff

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