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Why the International Critical Commentary Belongs in Every Library

The International Critical Commentary has long held a special place among works on the Bible. It brings together everything you need for responsible exegesis; linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological issues are all covered in depth. And it does it with an eye for scholarly detail that’s hard to find in other series.

Here are three reasons it belongs in every library.

It’s hard to find the complete set.

In the past, it’s been difficult to purchase the ICC in its entirety. Usually, the series is sold as individual volumes, and if you buy it book-by-book in the print format, the cost adds up quick. (If you were to purchase all 61 volumes in print at suggested retail price, the cost would be over $2,800.00!)

Plus, the series has undergone numerous revisions, which makes piecing together the most up-to-date version of the series even more challenging. Further, most retailers don’t offer the entire set as one purchase, which means you’re stuck building the series book-by-book, without a bundling discount.

The Logos collection includes the most up-to-date version of every volume in the series. And because you get it in a set, you’ll save compared to purchasing the volumes individually, much less in print.

Get it now.

14 volumes in the series are ranked among the best commentaries available.

The ICC is highly praised on Biblical scholar Scott McKnight gives Ernest Best’s volume on Ephesians five stars and the Denver Seminary Journal gives it four. Other volumes garnering high praise include those on 1 & 2 Peter; the Pastoral Epistles; Colossians & Philemon; Ephesians & Colossians; Matthew; and Acts.

Get all 61 ICC volumes today.

The series’ approach lets the scholars’ expertise shine.

The ICC is unique in that there’s no “unifying scheme” under which all the volumes were written. Whereas a shared goal among commentary authors has its advantages (think: the consistent format and goal in the NIV Application Commentary), the ICC’s approach allows individual scholars to exercise free reign in their areas of expertise. For example, experts on the Minor Prophets explore every facet of the books under consideration, without the limits of the series’ greater scope. That means you get the full force of the author’s scholarship applied to your study, yielding insights that would otherwise remain out of reach.

Get this celebrated scholarly series now.

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Logos Staff

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Written by Logos Staff