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How to Use the Inline Search Feature in Logos

Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials.

Logos 6 is here! Logos just released a new version, and it’s loaded with new features and enhancements. Please don’t panic, though—what you know about Logos 5 continues with you to Logos 6, but you’ll be impressed with Logos 6’s new functionality.

For example, you can now execute searches within a resource panel without having to open a separate search panel.

Try this new Logos 6 Inline Search:

  • Open any resource, such as The Lexham English Bible (LEB)
  • Navigate to a passage, like Luke 15:10 (A)
  • Click the Inline Search icon on the Bible’s toolbar (B)
  • Notice the search criteria opens at the top of the panel
  • Change the search fields and range from drop-down lists if you desire (C)
  • Type this text in the find box: “angels of God”(D)
  • Press the Enter key to generate your search results
  • Notice the only verses now visible in the LEB are the ones containing the phrase “angels of God” (E)


  • Right click any word in the Bible (F) and you’ll discover this text is active, meaning it’s fully functional with all links and the context menu (G)
  • Click the close X or the Inline Search icon again to hide the search information and return to a normal view of the Bible (H)


This Inline Search works in any resource and supports searching for words, phrases, multiple terms, and more—just like you would use in the search panel.

You can even access Inline Search from the right-click or context menu!

For written instructions on all the new Logos 6 features, check out the Logos 6: What’s New? Manual.

Or, to be one of the first to receive live training for Logos 6, attend an upcoming Camp Logos in California or New York.

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor