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8 Features a Scholar Will Appreciate in Logos

scholar using Logos Bible for sermon prep

With the launch of Logos 8 come several new features that will appeal to every biblical scholar. These features range from various ways to visually work the biblical text to building your own morphological queries.

Check out these eight Logos features and updates that working academics will appreciate:


Workflows are step-by-step study guides that use Logos features and resources along the way to bring you fresh insights in the research work of a scholar. Advanced workflows like the Passage Exegesis or Expository Sermon Preparation include over forty sub-steps for a truly exhaustive study experience. A scholar can also create and share workflows with your students and peers who own Logos.

These workflows are available in Logos 8 Silver and above / the Full Feature Upgrade


Work the biblical text with intuitive tools for breaking down, arranging, and marking up a passage. Circle. Highlight. Underline. Make connections. A scholar can even rearrange a passage to show logic and emphasis. Then, share your creation in just a few clicks. Great for teaching and classroom visuals.

Available in Logos 8 Bronze and above

Theology Guide

Look up any theological topic and get a quick summary written by experts including Fred Sanders, Gerald Bray, and John Frame. Then see where your library covers that topic with a few clicks. Studying Genesis 3? Look up “original sin” to see how theologians and traditions throughout history have understood the doctrine.

Available in Logos 8 Silver and above / Full Feature Upgrade

Important Words

Enter the passage you’re studying and instantly see the most discussed or debated original language terms. Then launch a Bible word study to continue your research.

Available in Logos 8 Bronze and above

Morph Query Builder

This grid-based query builder makes morphological searching easier than ever. Boost research productivity as a scholar.

Available in Logos 8 Silver and above / Full Feature Upgrade Feature

Search Templates

Pinpoint anything in Scripture just by filling out a quick form. Need to find everywhere Jesus speaks about money? Choose “A person speaks about something,” fill out a couple fields of info, and see comprehensive results in seconds. Research time is elusive, so maximize it.

Available in Logos 8 Starter and above

Hebrew Cantillations

Cantillation marks guided Hebrew worshippers as they chanted the biblical text. For modern readers, they help identify major breaks in the text. Logos lets you quickly identify those marks and see how they influence the division of the text.

Available in Logos 8 Bronze and above

Greek Accents and Syllables

Now you can search the New Testament based on accent marks and their positions. Need to find everywhere a Greek word includes a circumflex accent? Find comprehensive results with a single search.

Available in Logos 8 Silver and above / Full Feature Upgrade

Written by
Tavis Bohlinger

Dr. Tavis Bohlinger is the Creative Director at Reformation Heritage Books. He holds a PhD from Durham University and writes across multiple genres, including academia, poetry, and screenwriting. He lives in Grand Rapids with his wife and three children.

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Written by Tavis Bohlinger