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A Conversation with Michael F. Bird on Staying Curious in Bible Study

The NIV Faithlife Study Bible invites you to explore the Bible and inform your faith. There is limitless depth to God’s Word—whether it’s studying the original biblical languages or the details of the ancient world, there’s always something new to learn. Discover intriguing insights in robust study notes based on the original languages of the Bible. Visualize the biblical story with stunning graphics that bring the ancient world—and the Bible—to life.

Whether you’re studying the Bible for the first time or the thousandth time, the NIV Faithlife Study Bible is the perfect tool to feed your curiosity about God and his work in the world.

A Q&A with Michael F. Bird

Renowned scholar Michael F. Bird took some time to address some common questions about Bible study. Watch the 6-minute interview below.

What others are saying

Both scholars and pastors are praising the NIV Faithlife Study Bible for its valuable insights. Here are just a few of the endorsements we’ve received:

The goal of most pastors is to support scriptural insight with details that bring depth and richness to their teaching. The NIV Faithlife Study Bible takes readers on a similar journey, providing practical points of interest supported by comprehensive study tools. I love the NIV Faithlife Study Bible. I’m confident you will as well.

—Andy Stanley, Senior Pastor, North Point Ministries

There is nothing more important than hearing the voice of the Lord speak. And though, as Psalm 19 says, creation portrays Him in its majesty, it’s only in His Word that we actually interact with Him and experience the reviving, training in wisdom, rejoicing, and enlightening His sweet Word offers. Knowing the Lord through His Word is our very life. And yet, there are many times when simply reading the Bible in English leaves us with more questions than answers. And since most of us don’t have time to study the original languages or get degrees in theology, we’re left wondering exactly what He meant in a certain passage. That’s where the NIV Faithlife Study Bible comes in. In it you’ll discover answers from some of the top theologians of our day, notes defining words that may be unclear, beautiful graphics and timelines, and even discussions about possible interpretations of difficult passages. The Word of the Lord is indeed a lamp for our feet and the NIV Faithlife Study Bible will help you use it for all its worth.

—Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author and Conference Speaker

If the Word of God nourishes the soul, trains the mind, and is used by the Spirit to transform our lives, then what a priority it should be for those of us who trust in Christ to devour the revealed word of God. The NIV Faithlife Study Bible removes every obstacle imaginable. The commentaries, articles, maps, and graphs take you as deep as you want to go while being easy to navigate. The NIV Faithlife Study Bible is a steroid shot in the arm for those reading the Bible through in a year.

—Matt Chandler, Lead Teaching Pastor, The Village Church, President of Acts 29 Church Planting Network

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Stay curious. There’s more to explore. Pick up the NIV Faithlife Study Bible today!

Written by
Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

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Written by Jake Mailhot