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Celebrating 50,000 Forum Users


Considering how popular Facebook and Twitter are, it may surprise you to discover that there’s another social community growing about nine times faster than either of these—the Logos Forums. (You read that right: Nine times faster than the ubiquitous, über-popular Facebook and Twitter!)

In fact, one member calculated that the forum community has grown at the rate of 66 users a day and nearly 2,000 new users a month for the past year!

What makes the forums so popular?

Simply put, the forums are one of the best ways to learn about Logos the software and Logos the company.

In the forums you’ll find all sorts of helpful and exciting things. You’ll find:

  • tips, tricks and workarounds to tackle Bible study problems
  • advice on which resources will help you the most from people who already own the them
  • screenshots and videos explaining about how to do things with Logos 4 you didn’t even know where possible
  • a community that likes to share encouragement and insights from their own study
  • tips on what great deals are available at any give time
  • a group of users more than ready to help you push an exciting Community Pricing or Pre-Pub title into production
  • comments straight from Logos about what our plans are and why we do things the way we do
  • opportunities to give feedback to Logos that helps direct the future of the software and company
  • much, much more!

And if you can’t find any of the above in the forums already, all you have to do is ask. With other users in literally every time zone around the world, the odds are pretty good you can get an answer in a couple hours if not in mere minutes.

No wonder the forums are growing so fast! They’re better able to handle all things Logos than any other social channel.

Cause to Celebrate

Just this past week we reached 50,000 forum users. To celebrate, we put together Forum Week—a week of great deals and fun “events” to show new users what this community is all about.

Since this is Forum Week, we decided the best place to post the deals and events (there will be prizes) is right in the forums themselves.

To take part, simply head over and look for the forum called “***Forum Week***” at the top of the page. But note, you must be logged in to your free account in order to be able to see this special forum and take part in the festivities.

A Landmark Event Deserves a Great Deal!

To kick things off, we’re offering an incredible discount on Camp Logos Live. Since much of the forum conversation is learning oriented, there couldn’t be a more fitting title to discount in honor of the community than the #1 tool for getting more out of Logos Bible Software 4. For the forum-exclusive price, be sure to check out Forum Week.

Make sure you check in early and often! Some of the deals and events are time sensitive and will be announced without warning.

Written by
Stephen Smith
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Written by Stephen Smith