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Big Theology for Little Kids: The Apostles’ Creed (New Book)

Martin Luther once said, “Christian truth could not possibly be put into a shorter and clearer statement.”

He was talking about the Apostles’ Creed, a declaration of belief that’s united Christians for centuries. In it, we find the foundational instruction of the faith: God as Creator, Jesus as his Son, and the virgin birth. We acknowledge Jesus’ suffering, his death and burial, his ascension, and his future judgment of all things evil.

But the Creed is not just beneficial for adults. It’s a beautiful way to teach children the essentials of the Christian faith too.

And now in Lexham Press’ first children’s book The Apostles Creed: For All God’s Children, families can visualize, memorize, understand, and confess the Creed together.

The story is told through the eyes of a friendly feline named FatCat as he learns the traditional text of the Apostles’ Creed. Each line of the Creed includes vibrant, full-page illustrations, but the book also includes a list of Scriptures for further learning, as well as a family prayer. (Plus, children will enjoy searching for FatCat as they learn the Creed.)

Have a look inside:

Grandfather and pastor Harold Senkbeil says it is “Bursting with meaning for all ages.”

Here’s more praise for The Apostles’ Creed: For All God’s Children:

“This book will delight children (and adults)” —Tish Harrison Warren, mother and priest
“I can’t wait to share it.” —Wesley Hill, godparent and pastor
“Simple and complex, full of beauty and mystery” —Hannah Anderson, mother and writer

Get The Apostle’s Creed: For All God’s Children today.

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Lexham Press

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