I remember Wednesday nights, cooking dinner, then packing Thursday’s sack lunch, Thursday’s sack dinner, and Friday’s sack lunch. Friday night’s dinner would have to wait until late that night, when we’d finally arrive home from our weekly seminary...
Title sound familiar? Jeff’s post Professors Are People Too, got me thinking. On my lap right now sits a stack of theology position papers–a tall stack, I might add–to grade. Jeff and I have been blessed the past three years totag...
Right now Jeff and I have two possible opportunities (for a pastoral role for Jeff). One seemed like it was a no-go, then the other sprung up, then it died down and the other seemed like it was back on, a done deal. Then, no word for weeks, while...
For awhile I’ve wanted to write about discovering the treasure that is the seminary faculty, but realized it would be a little hypocritical coming from me. (Chad mentions this topic in his Top 5 “secret” tips for your first...
I’m back! I’m sure no one has noticed, but since the last Love & Marriage post 6 weeks ago I’ve been missing in combat. Jeff and I have discovered that — surprise! — baby #2 is on the way. Consequently sleeping...
Remember the “Freshman Fifteen”? What about the “Seminary Several”? Perhaps you escaped the undergrad weight gain only to find that now seminary hits you with the one-two punch of entering your *ahem* shall we say, less than...
Perhaps you are blessed with a blissfully content heart that enables you to attend seminary for the purest motive of simply learning. You shrug your shoulders at a C+ and praise God that your friend pulled off an A. When someone else’s sermon...
Guys, now’s the time when you go, make your wife a cup of tea, take the kids outside, and let her curl up on the couch with this blog. You’ll be glad you did. I am so thankful for the unique opportunity of simultaneously being a seminary...