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This post was written by a Logos guest author. Logos Bible Software helps pastors, scholars, and other Christians get more out of their Bible study.

The Love of Calvin for His Wife

Some have considered Calvin to be a completely cool, collected, and compassionate individual, but from his letters one sees that his care and love for people often ran deep. For instance, when he heard that the plague had broken out in Strasburg...

A Wife Worthy of the Challange

One can only imagine the challenges of being married to someone with such a gift and call as John Calvin. On top of the enormous burden he carried for Geneva, the church, the reformation, and the Gospel, he was often ill from the labors he put...

What do you look for in a wife?

I’m currently 32 years old and have been married for 10 of those years. At age 30 John Calvin was still not married. While trying to find a suitable woman to marry, Calvin penned a letter to his good friend Farel who was trying to help him...

And You Think You’re Busy?

I often feel like I’m busy and have a lot on my plate. A quick inquiry into all that John Calvin had on his plate (without a computer, email, or even a typewriter for that matter) make me truly appreciate the labors that he undertook on behalf...

Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels

Book Review James D.G. Dunn, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2011, 221 pp. The back cover promotes this book as a “compact theological primer,” a description that could be improved in accuracy as “compact biblical theological primer.” This monograph is a...

John Calvin Gets Fired

It is always interesting to see how people respond to difficult circumstances. Here we have the opportunity to see how Calvin responds when not only told he’d been fired form his post in Geneva, but that he has 3 days to leave the town. The...

Righteousness is from Christ Alone

In The True Method of Giving Peace to Christendom and Reforming the Church John Calvin helps bring clarity to one of the issues he and many of the other reformers had with the Adultero-German Interim, namely the source of our righteousness. What a...

New Documentary on Paul

Earlier today The Huffington Post published an article by filmmaker Robert Orlando titled A Polite Bribe: A New Narrative for Paul and the Early Church? For more information about Orlando’s documentary and a list of scholars featured in the...

John Calvin on Works Righteousness

In his tract responding to the Adultero-Germin Interim, Calvin lays clear the relationship between the righteousness that come from faith and the righteousness that comes from works. I found meditating on this to be helpful in finding the balance...

Bedtime Prayers

John Calvin’s Catechism of the Church of Geneva is appended by “Several Godly Prayers.” Here is Calvin’s prayer before going to sleep: (Other prayers include:prayer in the morning, Prayer before a meal, Prayer for going to school) O LORD GOD, who...

Paul’s Letter to the Romans: A Commentary

Book Review Arland J. Hultgren, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2011, 834 pp. Many New Testament scholars could be pressured to write a commentary on Paul’s epistle to Rome “because,” to paraphrase George Mallory, “it’s there.” For a noted scholar like...

Praying before a Meal

John Calvin’s Catechism of the Church of Geneva is appended by “Several Godly Prayers.” Here is Calvin’s prayer on blessing at the table: All look unto thee, O Lord; and thou givest them their meat in due season; that thou givest them they gather:...

Prayer for the Morning

I recently posted on John Calvin’s Catechism of the Church of Geneva and the appended “Several Godly Prayers.” Another one of his prayers is focused on praying in the morning: MY GOD, my Father and Preserver, who of thy goodness...

Rediscovering the Apostle Paul

Book Review Bernard Brandon Scott, editor, Polebridge Press, 2011, 94 pp. As the Jesus Seminar now begins to engage the questions of the historical Paul, the Polebridge Press Jesus Seminar Guides study series has published its first collection of...

Working at Faithlife: Do What You Love

Today’s post is from Bobby Moss, a regional presenter for the Ministry Development department here at Logos. I’ve been a passionate Logos user for over 10 years now. Over this time I’ve worn many different hats: youth pastor, grad school student...

To Borrow from His Wounds

John Calvin wrote quiet forcefully against the Adultero-German Intrim in his tract The True Method for Giving Peace to Christendom and Reforming the Church. However, in reading much of the Interim, I found some really great nuggets. For instance, in...

Bible Puns on Kindle

And now for something completely different! Whoever said that biblical studies can’t be fun? Indulge in the lighter side of faith with Mark Mattison’s new e-book, Bible Puns: 100 Original Jokes, now available for only $2.99! In this...

Being Harsh to the Glory of God

In his note to the reader in Psychopannychia, John Calvin opens with an explanation of why he sometimes has to write harshly in the tract. I not only appreciate his vigor in his defense of truth, but his pastoral care for those who may read his...

Biblical People, Places, and Things

One of the great features in Logos Bible Software 4 is the Bible Facts tool, otherwise known as Biblical People, Biblical Places and Biblical Things. These three tools come with most Logos 4 base packages, and gather an immense amount of information...

All Calvin Did Was Worth Nothing

In reading through John Calvin’s last letter to the ministers at Geneva, I was struck by the following paragraph. I have had many infirmities which you have been obliged to bear with, and what is more, all I have done has been worth nothing...

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