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Author - Garet Robinson

Garet Robinson currently serves as the Adult Pastor at University Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. He has a PhD in Theology from Liberty Divinity School and is doing graduate work in non-profit leadership at Harvard University. His primary research interests are the organizational development of the earliest Christian communities and contemporary theological development. Married to Kathryn since 2005, they have a son named Jack and a beagle named Augustine.

Closing the Day in Wittenberg

Garet Robinson gives us highlights of the Reformation 500 celebrations straight from the heart of Wittenberg, continued from his updates on Reformation Eve and the Morning in Wittenberg. Reformation 500 Day wrapped up fairly quickly this evening...

Morning in Wittenberg for Reformation 500

Garet Robinson continues his live correspondence from Wittenberg, where he and his wife are currently visiting in order to take part in the Reformation 500 celebrations.  Good morning from Wittenberg, Germany. A cool front moved in as the day began...

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