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Tim Keller Theology and Ministry Bundles

“Fifty years from now, if evangelical Christians are widely known for their love of cities, their commitment to mercy and justice, and their love of their neighbors, Tim Keller will be remembered as a pioneer of the new urban Christians.” —...

Antichrist: 6 Bible Verses

antichrist [ an-ti-krahyst ] A person who opposes Christ. Can refer to a particular person who appears as Christ’s principal antagonist. Top Bible Verses about Antichrist 1. Daniel 7:24–27 And as for the ten horns coming from it, from this...

Every Good Sermon Has These 3 Qualities

What makes a sermon good? Sometimes when people think about preaching, they think about a bunch of rules (i.e., there are three things that go into an introduction; the ways in which you make a good outline; if you are going to use illustrations...

How Much Do You Know about the End Times?

Prove your end times knowledge with this fun 10-question quiz. Do you know the four main eschatological views? How about what creature the Bible describes in Revelation 9:7–10? See how much you know. When you’ve finished the quiz, pick up Dayton...

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