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Author - Dale Pritchett

The “Network Effect”

I would love to have been there when Alexander Graham Bell experienced his great “a-ha” moments. His first “a-ha” might have gone something like this, “Oh no. . . I gotta make two of these things!” Can you then...

Cap’n Moe & the Camp Logos Ark

Today’s guest blogger is Dale Pritchett, vice president of sales and marketing for Logos. Aaarg! Captain Moe, you didn’t mention that it rains in Alaska. While the rest of the country experienced record heat, Captain Moe and the crew of the...

Space Walk at Logos

Our guest blogger today is Dale Pritchett, co-founder of Logos Bible Software. And my father. But not in that order. When I got back from the SBL meeting in Philadelphia I had this sense that Logos Bible Software had changed in some substantial but...

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