Spark Your Kids’ Curiosity for the Bible with This New Cartoon from Faithlife

bible agent 7 christian cartoon

Being a parent is tough. Finding entertainment for our children that is truly meaningful is even tougher. As Christians, we want to go a step further than “safe and family-friendly.” We want something that captivates them, engages their curiosity, and focuses their attention on what will continue to deliver meaning for the rest of their lives: the Bible.

That’s why we’re making a cartoon for early-elementary aged children that’s designed to spark their curiosity about God’s Word. That’s why we’re making Bible Agent 7!

Get two episodes of Bible-focused fun for your kids

We’ve already made the first episode of Bible Agent 7, but to make episode two and finish the first storyline, we need you. When you back the project on Kickstarter, you’ll get the first two episodes, and, depending on how much you pledge, lots of other fun rewards for you, your kids, and your church.

Bible Agent 7 KickstarterSpark your kids’ curiosity about the Bible! She a secret agent with a mission.

Support Bible Agent 7’s Kickstarter

Posted by Faithlife on Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Pledge your support on Kickstarter now.

Why are we making a kids’ show? 

the-noseWe’re the makers of Logos Bible Software and we have 25 years of experience helping people explore the Bible. Basically, we love the Bible, and we think studying it is actually a lot of fun.

We decided to make a children’s show because, like you, we want our kids to be blown away by how cool the Bible is. We want to help kids fall in love with Scripture.

Bible Agent 7 is a cartoon that captures the joy and exhilaration we’ve experienced as we’ve made our own discoveries in God’s Word. It’s designed to open kids’ eyes to how fascinating the Bible can be.

Support the Kickstarter now!

What sets Bible Agent 7 apart?

In this first two-episode storyline, Bible Agent 7 is on a mission to rescue a fellow Bible Agent who has gone missing. To find him, she’ll have to rely on her ability to search the Scriptures—and the help of her friends.

We’re crafting the story so it builds from episode to episode. Not only does that provide an opportunity for rich character development and engaging storylines, more importantly, it gives us the ability to show kids the broad scope of what it’s like to explore Scripture.

drsquidRevealing the big story of Scripture over time means that as we make the connection to Jesus and the Gospel, the payoff is big. We’re giving kids a richer understanding of the background of the Old Testament, cultural context, the Law, and all the other details that should shape the way we read the Bible. This helps kids understand that Jesus didn’t live in a vacuum. They actually see how Jesus fits into the arc of redemptive history. And it lays the foundation for responsible and rewarding Bible study as they grow up. It’s exactly the kind of approach you’d expect from the folks behind Logos Bible Software.

That takes more than one episode to pay off. But by taking our time, we can keep the focus on dazzling kids with the wonder of Scripture, and feeding them a deeper understanding of the Word that will serve them throughout their lives.

Let’s show kids that exploring the Bible is a blast!

Get two episodes of Bible-focused fun for your kids and help make Bible Agent 7: The First Mission a reality. Support the Kickstarter now!

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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