Meet Morris Proctor – Authorized Logos Trainer

Morris ProctorWe just realized that it has been nearly ten years that we have been partnering with an amazing man who has personally helped thousands of you get the most out of your Logos Bible Software. Who is this amazing man, you ask?

We have been so blessed to work with Morris Proctor, his wife Cindy, and their company Morris Proctor Seminars, that we wanted to share with you the story of how Morris came to be an Authorized Logos Trainer and close partner of ours for the past ten years. We asked Morris to share his story in his own words, and he was more than happy to do so …

I became a disciple of Jesus Christ and teacher of His Word through the personal ministry of my good friend and best selling author Robert Morgan. In the early 80’s Rob began instilling in me a love for the Bible and Christian books as well as a desire to study and teach Scripture effectively. I, therefore, dutifully set out to build my personal library of print books. I spent years and thousands of dollars securing many needed resources.

As I developed into a pastor-teacher I spent countless hours in study and sermon preparation. When the personal computer age hit I was reluctant to enter the electronic world choosing rather to stay in my comfort zone of pen and paper.

In the late 90’s a friend bought me a copy of Logos Bible Software. Not owning or knowing how to use a computer the software remained in the box. Finally, another friend loaned me a computer, loaded the software, and instructed me to become proficient with both the software and a computer “for my own good.”

After a week of reading the Logos Bible Software Users Guide and “hunting and pecking” around the keyboard I actually started studying the Bible electronically. I was shocked to discover the profound impact this new method of study had on my biblical research and sermon preparation.

The world of Logos Bible Software allowed me to study and prepare sermons both more quickly and effectively. I introduced my friends to the software and began teaching them how to use it. I then began putting my software teaching outlines into manual form to develop the first Quick Reference Training Manual.

Through the encouragement of friends I contacted the leadership at Logos Research Systems informing them of my instructional classes for their software and desire to partner with them to train their users. They invited me to their Oak Harbor, WA, headquarters in 1998 to conduct the national Camp Logos. After the seminar I shared my vision to take this training around the country from church to church equipping people to effectively use Logos Bible Software. The Logos leadership enthusiastically agreed.

In the fall of 1998 the regional Camp Logos hit the road. We named this new training endeavor Morris Proctor Seminars. For nearly ten years my wife, Cindy, and I, along with some faithful assistants, have conducted hundreds of hands on training seminars around the country and now even around the world as the Logos family spreads internationally. In addition to the live training seminars we produce videos on CD and DVD, print manuals, and miscellaneous training materials all designed to help Logos users get the most out of their software In 2001.

As the seminar demands increased, I stepped back from pastoring a church to devote full time to training Logos users. I still, however, maintain a very active preaching / teaching schedule which keeps me in the Bible and Logos Bible Software on a daily basis for my personal use. Before I am a trainer, first and foremost I am a student of the Word and user of the software myself. Hopefully this personal use of the software translates into very practical training for you.

You can get to know Morris better and experience his personal and patient training style best by attending one of his “Camp Logos” events, or by purchasing one of his excellent training CDs or manuals.

We couldn’t be more pleased with Morris. He has been a fantastic partner and friend of ours for manyy ears. As you read in his story, he started out as a pastor who did not even own a computer. He ended up becoming a trainer and one of the most proficient users of Logos Bible Software ever because a friend bought a copy of Logos for him. Once Morris finally gave it a try he fell in love with the software for its ability to take him deeper into God’s Word.

Logos doesn’t change lives—the Holy Word of God changes lives. Logos just helps people get into the Word. Learn more about Logos now.

Written by
Dan Pritchett

Dan Pritchett is Executive Vice President at Faithlife, makers of Logos Bible Software.

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