Upgrade to Logos 5 and Get Top Commentaries

As Logos 5 base packages grow in size, they increase in quality. Each step up gives you not only more resources (and all the titles from the previous level), but better resources—valuable content that can be hard to find anywhere else. The higher you go, the more powerful your library becomes.

Let’s look at some of the most popular commentary sets included in the higher base packages:

The United Bible Societies’ Old Testament & New Testament Handbooks

the-united-bible-societies-new-testament-handbook-seriesRegularly $799.90 combined | included in Gold and higher

Gold offers 26 commentary sets, including the UBS OT Handbooks (29 vols.) and UBS NT Handbooks (20 vols.). Created to aid Bible translators, the UBS Handbooks offer comprehensive, verse-by-verse guides to exactly what Scripture is communicating.

Preaching the Word Collection

Regularly $359.95 | included in Platinum and higher

Platinum gives you 35 commentary sets, including the Preaching the Word Collection (19 vols.), ideal for pastors and Bible teachers. R. Kent Hughes, a gifted communicator, highlights the truths that have proven most impactful in his own ministry.

Crossway Classic Commentaries


Regularly $299.95 | included in Diamond and higher

Diamond offers 44 commentary sets, including the Crossway Classic Commentaries (25 vols.), in which J. I. Packer and Alister McGrath gather the very best exegesis from luminaries like Charles Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, John Calvin, and Charles Hodge.

Writings from the Ancient World

Regularly $355.99 | included in Portfolio

Portfolio gives you 46 commentary sets, as well as Writings from the Ancient World (26 vols.). While not technically a commentary, this remarkable collection of ancient Near Eastern literature includes original texts from Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor, enabling you to construct your own understanding of ancient cultures from the original sources.

Don’t wait—your discount ends soon!

For a limited time, when you upgrade, you’ll get both an upgrade discount and an ownership discount (so you don’t pay twice for the books you already own), as well as the deep bundling discounts that make base packages such good values.

But don’t wait—your upgrade discount expires September 30!

Visit Logos.com/Comparison now to see your savings.

Written by
Ray Deck III

Born in WV, Ray escaped to North Carolina at a young age. He came to Logos after an 8 year stint at a faith-based nonprofit in New York. When he is not assembling sequences of words, he’s probably running, surfing or shooting skeet, but you should probably go look for him. He has a terrible sense of direction and is probably lost.

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Written by Ray Deck III
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