And so it begins…

So, I just returned home from my first official, residential, seminary class. Before the class started I was just sitting there, taking it all in… 6 years to get here… wow!

So, the class was great. The 3 hours FLEW by. While the material wasn’t the most interesting content I couldn’t help but smile and try to suck everything I could out of the professor. It was GREAT!

I went vintage notes style and was in the minority BIG time (only one other vintage note taker in the class).

A big lesson I learned tonight is that that it is distracting to sit towards the back of the class because you can see everyone’s computer and what all they are doing… I almost had to rend my garment and braid a rope together for an old fashioned temple cleansing as I watched a girl in class go online to pay her tuition, check and reply to several emails, visit a website, and, the icing on the cake, create an Evite for a birthday party. Least I REALLY rant about this young lady, I’ll bite my tongue and simply call it a night.

One day down… many, many more to go.

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns