It’d be a Shame to Waste All That Preparation

You spend hours each week preparing for your sermon or lessons, and you probably have more to communicate now than ever before. We’ve provided the tools you need to take your preparation to the next level, now it’s time to take your presentation to the next level too.

For nearly two decades we at Logos have digitized print books filled with biblical information. We have also developed state of the art search and retrieval technology enabling you to mine these electronic resources for those scriptural insights.

Using Logos Bible Software you can effectively exegete and study any passage in the Bible. Having thoroughly investigated the biblical text, you probably have page after page of notes, quotes, and anecdotes. If you’re a preacher, teacher, or Bible study leader you now have to organize and present that material so your listeners can understand and apply the passage.

It is great to have high-end professional-level tools like Logos Bible Software to prepare your sermon, but until now, you’ve been on your own to know how to preach it. We felt the next step was to provide you with professional-level presentation training from one of the most gifted and professional presenters we have ever met.

Toward that end, we have worked with Morris Proctor, of MPSeminars to develop “The I-Beam of Message Building” video training for our users.

As a Logos user you perhaps know Morris as the instructor at Camp Logos, the author of training manuals, and the producer of video tutorials. First and foremost, though, he is a pastor and expository preacher. Through almost 30 years of preaching and teaching God’s word, Morris has honed his communication skills. People who hear him preach are inspired by his insights into Scripture, his passionate presentation, and his down-to-earth communication style.

Because of the encouragement from others, Morris decided to organize and record his personal sermon preparation process into the I-Beam seminar. Using the analogy of a construction I-Beam, Morris shows you how to fulfill what he believes to be the two great principles of biblical preaching or teaching:

  • Be Faithful to the Text
  • Be Functional for the Times

After explaining these foundational principles, Morris then thoroughly—yet practically—walks you through six steps of preparing an expository message:

  • Interpretation
  • Incompletion
  • Impression
  • Implication
  • Intention
  • Indentation

After completing these six steps you will have a skeleton of a sermon or lesson. Morris then carefully shows you how to add flesh to the bones. He leaves no stone unturned as he teaches you, among other things, how to begin your message with an attention-getting, need-revealing introduction, powerfully state your main points, and smoothly transition from one segment of the message to the next. Wrapping it all up, he instructs you to boldly and practically end the message as you call for action from your listeners.

The I-Beam of Message Building is a video training course to watch on your TV. It works on a standard DVD player (or DVD software on your computer). It does not require Logos Bible Software. It actually picks up where Logos Bible study ends. If you teach or preach, you will immediately profit from this resource. The I-Beam program is like a video textbook on the art of preaching and teaching biblical truths.

You will learn from a master teacher as you watch these professionally produced videos and follow along in the I-Beam manual that is included with the set. Using the hyperlinked menus and the back / forward buttons, you can jump to or review any section you desire.

I-Beam picks up where Logos Bible study leaves off. It shows you how to organize your research into sermons or lessons that are both biblical in content and applicable in presentation.

If you are a preacher, teacher, or Bible study leader the I-Beam is for you. Whether you are a seasoned communicator or a beginning presenter, the I-Beam provides foundational principles and practical advice for your proclamation of God’s Word.

To watch the video demo and learn more, see The I-Beam of Message Building page.

Written by
Dan Pritchett

Dan Pritchett is Executive Vice President at Faithlife, makers of Logos Bible Software.

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Written by Dan Pritchett
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