Write for GoingtoSeminary.com

The interweb is full of seminary bloggers. From theological writings to personal journals, there is a wealth of great materials out there for seminarians to check out. This is one of the reasons that, several months back, I brought on 5 other writers to GTS. There are so many of you out there with great things to share, I didn’t feel like it made sense to make GTS a place where all you ever heard was my voice.

So, it is along those same lines that I announce today that GTS is open for guest posts. If you are a seminarian and have advice, tips, or stories to share, then simply visit the write for GTS page and submit your story idea. Now, we can’t take every story, but we’re really excited about hearing from students at different seminaries, with different experiences, and different insights. Also, if you submit a few great posts, we might just ask you to join us as a full time contributor.

Also, while we hope that we’ll here from a lot of traditional seminary students, I’d really love to hear from some non-traditional students… you know, the ones who are going to seminary later in life, or maybe those who are taking classes slowly via distance education.

So, what are you waiting for? Submit your story ideas today!

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns
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