Learning and doing in seminary

I was reading James this morning and thinking, in particular, about James 2:24. Then, this evening I was reading Live. Work. Play. and was reminded how this applies to seminary. Worth quoting here:

I’m glad I am taking the time to go through seminary. It’s a chance to ask the big “God questions” before someone else asks me. It gives me the time and tools to consider what I really believe. It gives me a background and perspective on the Bible that enriches my ability to follow God and to lead and teach others.

But sometimes it’s — so — draining. If you’re not careful, it can become completely removed from any sort of “real life” or any sort of real application. “Faith” can become something that’s all in your head – not something that’s believed with your heart and emotions or your feet and actions.

Such a good warning and reminder. Seminarians need to remember that this is not a mere exercise in mental ascent. Our time at seminary is to equip and fuel the ministries that Jesus has given us. This isn’t on hold while we are in seminary. We must continue to shine as light in the world. If all we do is learn a bunch of information, but neglect to deepen our love for God and for people… then regardless of the grades we receive… we certainly fail.

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns
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