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7 Treasured Oswald Chambers Quotes about the Cross

Oswald Chambers, the Scottish minister best known for his beloved devotional My Utmost for His Highest, was born 138 years ago today. Celebrate his birthday by picking up the 24-volume Oswald Chambers Collection.

Quotable and thought provoking, Chambers’ works are still cherished by Christians worldwide. Whether you’re new to Christianity or you’ve been studying the Scriptures for decades, you’ll find treasures liberally sprinkled throughout Chambers’ volumes.

Enjoy these seven Oswald Chambers quotes:

“The diabolical nature of sin is that it hates God, it is not at enmity against God; it is enmity. When you get the nature of sin revealed by the Holy Spirit, you know that this phrase is not too strong—red-handed anarchy against God.”—from God’s Workmanship

“There are people to-day who are going through an onslaught of destruction that paralyses all our platitudes and preaching; the only thing that will bring relief is the consolations of Christ. It is a good thing to feel our own powerlessness in the face of destruction, it makes us know how much we depend upon God.”—from Baffled to Fight Better

“The aspect of the cross in discipleship is lost altogether in the present-day view of following Jesus. The cross is looked upon as something beautiful and simple instead of a stern heroism. Our Lord never said it was easy to be a Christian; He warned men that they would have to face a variety of hardships, which He termed bearing the cross.”—from Approved unto God

“In the New Testament everything centres in the Cross. The Cross did not happen to Jesus: He came on purpose for it.”—from Bringing Sons into Glory

“Until you have stopped trying to be good and being pleased with the evidences of holiness in yourself, you will never open the wicket gate that leads to the more excellent way. The life ‘hid with Christ in God’—that is the more excellent way.”—from If Thou Wilt Be Perfect

“The questions that matter in life are remarkably few, and they are all answered by these words ‘Come unto Me.’ Not—‘Do this’ and ‘Don’t do that,’ but ‘Come.’”—from Our Brilliant Heritage

“One great characteristic in the life of a man whose life is hid with Christ in God is that he has received the gift Jesus Christ gives. What gift does Jesus Christ give to those who are identified with him? The gift His Father gave him, The Father gave Him the Cross, and He gives us our cross.”—from Christian Disciplines

Read more quotes from Oswald Chambers in the Oswald Chambers Collection.

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