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4 Simple Ways to Make Your Easter Service Awesome

Easter sun rays

Easter is a huge opportunity for your church. There are more people attending church than almost any other time of year. Your Easter sermon is arguably the most important sermon your church will hear all year. And people who almost never go to church and know little or nothing about the Bible will be sitting among your congregation.

You do this every year—so how do you keep it interesting?

You have to decide if things that worked well in the past are reusable. Can you recycle some Easter sermon ideas you used a few years ago? Did you nail the Easter stage design last year? Does your team have the perfect worship set for Easter?

Those are all things for your staff to prayerfully consider and prepare based on the needs and resources of your church.

If you’re looking to freshen up your Easter service this year, Proclaim Church Presentation Software has some free Easter media to help you with the details, so you can focus on what matters—whether you own Proclaim or not you can use our free media to create smooth transitions, set the tone for your service, and compliment your sermon.

Here are four ways to make your Easter service look and feel awesome this year:

1. Show Easter visitors what Christianity is about

You’re going to have visitors. Some of those visitors are what my pastor likes to call CEOs—Christmas-Easter-Onlys. Maybe they came because church is part of a family tradition. Maybe a friend dragged them to your door hoping that this time something would “stick.”

However they get to your church, chances are they don’t have a clear picture of what Christianity is all about, or why people go to church. They’re checking off one of the two annual “I go to church” boxes.

Give them a picture of Christianity that stays with them. Easter is your chance to share the gospel with people who rarely set foot in a church.

2. Invite your church to celebrate the resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus matters every day. Easter is the time we dedicate to the celebration of the most important event in history.

Clumsy transitions interrupt the mood and cause people to lose focus on what matters, or why they’re gathered with all these people.

Set the tone for your Easter service with a transition video—Proclaim’s motion graphics designers made them for you to use in those moments when you need a little extra time to set up what’s next.

3. Put a fresh look on familiar songs

Hopefully your church doesn’t wait until Easter to sing songs about Jesus, the cross and the Resurrection.

There are a lot of popular worship songs that work for Easter, and whether you sing them all the time or not, Proclaim has a new free motion background for your Easter services.

Even if you use the same worship songs you sing every Sunday, it doesn’t have to feel the same on Easter.

4. Start your service on time

With all of the special pieces, new visitors, and general chaos of preparing your Easter service, it’s easy to lose track of time.

Starting your service on time makes a good impression on newcomers and shows people that you value their time—which is important if you’d like them to come back.

To help you get started on time, Proclaim has great Easter countdown videos. Having a timer on the big screen helps people know when to find their seats and how much time they have to grab coffee or hustle to the bathroom. It keeps your staff on the same page and helps provide accountability for your worship team and tech support.

Written by
Ryan Nelson

Ryan Nelson is a writer for OverviewBible, where he uses Logos to explore the characters, groups, places, and books of the Bible. He has served in a variety of volunteer ministry positions, primarily through Young Life.

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Written by Ryan Nelson