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13 Thought-Provoking Lewis Sperry Chafer Quotes

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200px-LewisSperryChafer1929Lewis Sperry Chafer was born 144 years ago today. He was an American theologian and the founder and first president of Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). His legacy lives on today through the prestigious seminary and his widely appreciated scholarly works. His textbook, Systematic Theology, was the first dispensational, premillennial systematic theology ever published, and it’s still required reading for some courses at DTS.

These quotes were put together in a matter of minutes using Logos’ Visual Copy tool. Reading Chafer’s works in Logos, I scanned until underlined text showed me popular passages people have highlighted within the software; at a glance, I could see the passages other people thought were most important, highlight the sections, and create beautiful slides in seconds.

Enjoy these 13 thought-provoking Lewis Sperry Chafer quotes created with Visual Copy, then take advantage of these powerful visual tools yourself: get Logos today.
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“The world has been willing to comply with the wishes and projects of Satan to the extent of ceasing to believe that he really exists.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan

sperry quote4“In the present age, man proves his separation from his Creator by his spirit of self-sufficiency and positive rejection of God. The present issue between God and man is one of whether man will accept God’s estimate of him, abandon his hopeless self-struggle, and cast himself only on God who alone is sufficient to accomplish his needed transformation.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan

sperry quote3“Judging from the mass of Christian writings and from utterances in public address and prayer, this age is assumed by many, without question, to be the Kingdom of Christ; though no Scripture is found to warrant that conclusion.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan

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“However victorious Satan may have been over the first Adam, it is certain that he met a complete and final judgment and sentence in the Second Adam.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan
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“The Satanic message for this age will be reformation and self-development, while the message of God is regeneration by the power of the spirit.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan
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“It is evident that this partial concession of the world to the testimony of God has opened the way for counterfeit systems of truth, which, according to prophecy, are the last and most to be dreaded methods in the Satanic warfare.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan
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“It is natural that Satan should suggest to humanity that which had been the object of his own unholy ambition; and especially is it natural, since by such a separation of humanity from its God, he could claim that authority over them, and secure that worship from them, which he so much craved.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan
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“True salvation is wholly a work of God. It is said to be both a finished work and a gift, and, therefore, it lays no obligation upon the saved one to complete it himself, or to make after payments of service for it.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan
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“For man is not saved by what he comprehends or understands, but his salvation is made possible by his attitude of willingness and expectation toward the transforming power of God.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan
sperry quote10“Sin is self-centered living and action on the part of a creature who is by creation designed to be wholly centered in God.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology
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“Evil must run its course and make its full demonstration that it may be judged, not as a theory, but as a concrete actuality.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology
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“. . . it is the testimony of the Scriptures, without exception, that every feature of man’s salvation from its inception to the final perfection in heaven is a work of God for man and not a work of man for God.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology
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“The church is ever in peril—and never more so than now—of the disaster which must follow when she allows men of distinction in the sphere of human attainments, who are unregenerate or unspiritual, to dictate as to what her beliefs shall be.”
—Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology

Celebrate this treasured theologian by browsing his works.

Written by
Ryan Nelson

Ryan Nelson is a writer for OverviewBible, where he uses Logos to explore the characters, groups, places, and books of the Bible. He has served in a variety of volunteer ministry positions, primarily through Young Life.

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caebafaf?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Ryan Nelson