The Holy Land: Help Logos Craft the Perfect Tours!

With Logos 4, you have tons of maps and pictures to help contextualize the text you’re reading. But imagine if you could actually gaze over the Sea of Galilee, walk the streets of Jerusalem, and stand on the Temple Mount. How would that enhance your understanding of—and perspective on—the Bible?

Now you have the opportunity to experience the Bible: to see firsthand the places and things you’re reading about. We’re introducing tours of Israel. To increase the appeal, we’re planning to offer a few different types:

  • General: This is the standard tour of Israel. Visit biblical sites with other tourists from around the world and learn from knowledgeable local guides.
  • Pastor/Church: How about a pastor-led tour of Israel? Your pastor can lead your church, teaching you as you go.
  • Author-Led: Enjoy a  tour of Israel led by your favorite author or theologian.
  • Scholarly: Be led through Israel by an expert in the area’s history and significant sites.
  • VIP/Custom: Tell us exactly what you want to see and we’ll customize the trip just for you. Want to take a more intimate group? Or really immerse yourself in one place?

Interested in Going? Let Us Know!

Since tours are a new endeavor for us, we’d love your feedback. Go to and take the brief survey to let us know what tours you’re interested in. Your responses will help us arrange tours in the coming years.

While you’re at, sign up for the Faithlife Tours email list to be the first to know when the site launches and get information about our first group of tours!

Written by
Deni Avant
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Written by Deni Avant
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