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Products>The Beginnings of Christianity: The Acts of the Apostles (5 vols.)

The Beginnings of Christianity: The Acts of the Apostles (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $204.95
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Kirsopp Lake was a monumental scholar in both New Testament and church history. He brought his expertise in both of these areas together in a 20 year long collaborative effort with F.J. Foakes-Jackson, Henry J. Cadbury, and many others to examine Acts and its relation to the earliest history of the church. The result was the present five volume work: The Beginnings of Christianity: The Acts of the Apostles. William Baird called it “the most extensive investigation of a NT book by English-speaking scholarship.” Included are two volumes of background study ranging from the background of Jewish history to the rise of Gentile Christianity. Volume three provides an extensive survey of the textual evidence for Acts by James Hardy Ropes. The last two volumes give in-depth commentary on the text of Acts.

Although Kirsopp Lake produced many definitive works, he is best known for The Beginnings of Christianity. This massive five-volume work provides near encyclopedic knowledge regarding the historical, exegetical, textual, and theological issues surrounding Acts. Enrich your library with this compendium of scholarship on Acts.

Volumes 3 and 4 will download as multiple resources.

For more study of Acts check out the Mobile Ed Studies in Acts Bundle Mobile Ed: Studies in Acts Bundle (3 courses).

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  • Contains essays and monographs from highly influential New Testament scholars
  • Provides detailed exegetical and historical commentary on Acts
  • Presents a text-critical study of Acts
In sum, The Beginnings of Christianity is a monumental work—the most extensive investigation of a NT book by English-speaking scholarship.

William Baird, History of New Testament Research

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F.J. Foakes-Jackson (1855-1941), English theologian and church historian. A fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, from 1886, he was lecturer there from 1882 and dean from 1895 to 1916. From 1916 to 1934 Foakes-Jackson was Briggs professor of Christian institutions at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. His many books include Introduction to the History of Christianity, AD 590-1314, Biblical History of the Hebrews to the Christian Era, History of the Christian Church from the Earliest Times to AD 461, St. Paul, the Man and the Apostle, The Acts of the Apostles, Peter, Prince of Apostles, and A History of Church History.

Kirsopp Lake (1872-1946), noted English biblical scholar. He was curate of St. Mary the Virgin (Oxford) until 1904, when he became a professor at the Univ. of Leiden. After 1914 he was at Harvard, first as professor of early Christian literature, from 1919 to 1932 as professor of ecclesiastical history, and from 1932 to 1937 as professor of history. Lake was also interested in archaeology and participated in many expeditions. He periodically visited Mt. Sinai, Mt. Athos, and other centers of ancient culture, and in Greece he did valuable research work on old manuscripts. Among his many publications are The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul, Early Days of Monasticism on Mt. Athos, and Immortality and the Modern Mind. Some of his works are collected in the Kirsopp Lake New Testament Backgrounds Collection (5 vols.).


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  1. Michael Sobol

    Michael Sobol


    Rob makes a point about price on "free domain material" not costing Logos anything, but it does cost Logos time and effort to setup all the links that make searching books doable. There are LOADs of free use books online in PDF and HTML text, BUT, being able to search them in Logos makes message preparation so much easier. Jammison Facuet, and Brown is an OLD commentary, but it is a golden oldie! Its free to use online, but I like the ability to search for content while doing all my other research inside of Logos! Long story short, I've been using Logos since around 1992. I used to have a table full of books open while researching for a message. I spent hours doing research. Now I spend MUCH less time on research and have MUCH more time for reflection on the research!
  2. Len Bartlotti

    Len Bartlotti


    Ditto Rob Golding. Promotional excitement about this 'monumental' work leaps over decades of recent scholarship.
  3. Rob Golding

    Rob Golding


    Listing the publication date as 2002 is misleading in my opinion. I understand this was re-published at that time, but it is a 100 year old set of books. I wish Logos put out this type of free-domain material at a much cheaper price. I understand they have overhead to cover but assuming they paid nothing for this work, I’d assume they could get it to the consumer for cheaper than $90 on pre-order especially since you can read it in PDF for free!


Collection value: $204.95
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