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You Do Not Want to Miss Out on BibleTech:2011!

The speakers have been chosen for BibleTech:2011. This year’s conference—March 25-26 in Seattle, WA— is shaping up to be another landmark event that you will not want to miss!

BibleTech’s presenters come from a diverse background of educators, programmers, developers, publishers, executives and ministry leaders. This diversity provides a well-rounded platform from which to speak about the number of ways that technology is influencing how we approach and study the Scriptures.

There are over 25 sessions including:

  • Why Another Greek New Testament?Rick Brannan, Information Architect at Logos Bible Software, discusses the The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (SBLGNT, also known as the SBL Greek New Testament), edited by Michael W. Holmes. Where did this new edition of the Greek New Testament come from? Why was it done? And more importantly for the BibleTech audience, how was it done?
  • The Convergence of Technology and Prayer
    David Gagne, the Media Post Production System Administrator for the Kansas City International House of Prayer, will talk about how the prayer movement globally is being strengthened through use of technology and the benefits and challenges of maintaining a life of prayer while working long hours on technology.
  • Making Bible Search Results RelevantZondervan’s
    Internet Systems Architect, Stephen Smith, discusses how, as an industry, we tune our search engines to handle specialized queries while ignoring common obstacles that people face when searching the Bible. Our goal should be to interpret the intent of everyone—from the scholar to the casual user of a mobile Bible app—and connect them with the biblical text they’re seeking.
  • Educating the 21st Century Pastor: The Intersection of Theology and Technology
    Knox Theological Seminary’s Dean of Distance Education, Jonathan Smith, will look at what theological education looks like in the 21st century. This talk will focus on the intersection between emerging technologies and theological application and will discuss the over impact on theological education.

When you register today you will receive access to more than 25 sessions, three catered meals, and a conference T-shirt. But perhaps even more importantly, you will build a network of friends and contacts with others who share your interests.

BibleTech:2011 will be held at The Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center. Located directly across from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, this hotel is rated as one of Hilton’s Top Performing Hotels for delivering outstanding customer service. Special room rates are available for those who will be attending the conference.

Don’t wait, register today and experience what is happening at the intersection of Bible study and technology. You won’t want to miss it.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff