The most important work of evangelical theology in modern times.
— Kenneth Briggs, New York Times
Establishes [Carl] Henry as the leading theologian of the nation’s evangelical flank.
— Richard Ostling, Time Magazine
A must for every Christian leader.
— Reverend Billy Graham
Such wide praise is unusual, but then so was Carl Henry’s career.
A sterling career
In a 2004 article, Christianity Today stated that Carl Henry, along with Billy Graham (his classmate at Wheaton College) and Harold John Ockenga, “practically invented what later became known as evangelicalism.”
He was one of the founders of Fuller Theological Seminary. He suggested the name “Evangelical Theology Society.” He was Christianity Today’s first editor-in-chief (and cofounder with Graham).
Henry also authored over a dozen books, including the 1947 Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, which cemented him as a formidable force in evangelical scholarship. Later in his career, he wrote his magnum opus, the six-volume God, Revelation and Authority.
Additionally, Henry taught and guest-lectured at dozens of colleges and seminaries around the world. He even chaired international conferences, such as the 1966 World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin.
Henry’s influence on evangelicalism was and is regarded as among the most significant of the twentieth century. A building and learning initiative are named in Henry’s honor and patterned on his legacy.
About Henry’s magnum opus
God, Revelation and Authority, the subject of the above endorsements, contains Henry’s most developed ideas. The six volumes span topics like divine revelation, historical criticism, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and biblical history. It also includes the “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy,” which has been an authoritative declaration regarding inerrancy within evangelical circles for many years.
“Dr. Henry’s God, Revelation and Authority should be on every evangelical pastor’s shelf. I recommend it to the upcoming generation of serious, thinking Christians,” said James Montgomery Boice, the late pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.
There are many great systematic theologies, and each has its merits. But few are so widely regarded as must-haves. Anyone interested in serious theological reflection cannot go without this work.