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What Does Archaeology Say about the Fall of Jericho?

lecture series bryant wood

If you have never made it to one of the Logos lectures, I would really encourage you to come out to the Mount Baker Theatre on Thursday as Dr. Bryant Wood, Director of Research with the Associates for Biblical Research, will present on the topic “What Does Archaeology Say about the Fall of Jericho?”

About the Lecture

Did the walls of Jericho really come tumbling down? Biblical archaeologist Bryant Wood will present an illustrated talk on archaeological findings at Jericho, a site which has been a problem in biblical archaeology since scholars claimed that there was no city there at the time of Joshua. As a result, most archaeologists claim the Bible must be in error. Dr. Wood shows that not only was there a city at Jericho at the time of Joshua’s Conquest, but that when the findings are correctly dated, it is seen that the archaeological discoveries and the biblical narrative in Joshua 2–6 harmonize in an amazing way.

Event Details

  • Date: Thursday, March 19th
  • Time: 7:00 PM
  • Title: “What Does Archaeology Say about the Fall of Jericho?”
  • Speaker: Dr. Bryant Wood
  • Location: Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham, WA
  • Admission: FREE!

About This Month’s Speaker

Dr. Wood earned an M.A. in Biblical History from the University of Michigan in 1974, and a Ph.D. in Syro-Palestinian archaeology from the University of Toronto in 1985. His extensive archaeological field work includes surveying in Jordan, Egypt, and Israel, and he has been awarded grants to carry on his research. He is a member of the Near East Archaeological Society and a Fellow of the Institute for Biblical Research. Dr. Wood is currently Director of Research with the Associates for Biblical Research, Akron, PA, and editor of their quarterly publication Bible and Spade.

Mark your calendar, tell your friends, and we will see you soon.

Update: The audio is now available on the Lecture Series page.

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