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The Logos Forums Have 75,000+ Users! Are You One of Them?

Logos announced the creation of our forums in the summer of 2009, and yesterday those forums crossed the 75,000 user mark! It was only nine months ago that we celebrated reaching 50,000 users. In nine short months, the forum community has grown by 25,000 users.

5 Reasons the Logos Forums Are So Popular

1. You Have Access to Experienced Users

You’ll find a forum for nearly every platform and product from Logos Bible Software. You can get the answers you need about any number of Logos related issues. You can find specific forums for:

With nearly 350,000 posts in over 40,000 threads, you’re sure to find answers to most of your Logos-related questions. In fact, we suggested in February 2011 that the forums were the #1 tool for getting the most out of your Logos software.

You’ll be surprised by all the things you can learn to do on the Logos forums. Here are a couple recent examples:

There is even a post that explains how to ask for help on the forums!

2. You Can Get Resource Information and Recommendations

The forums are full of pastors, scholars, and students. If you are looking for suggestions or information on resources, this is a great place to take your questions. But it doesn’t end there! The forum community’s a great place to ask all sorts of Bible study related questions.

Here are a few examples of such questions that have come up in the forums lately:

3. You Will Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of Logos

Besides the blog, the forums are the best place to keep track of what’s going on at Logos. You can find up-to-date discussions about new products, promotions, sales, and services. In fact, there have been watchful “forumites” who have outscooped us before official announcements a time or two.

The forums are monitored by Logos employees and you will often find the marketing team, developers, and occasionally even president and CEO Bob Pritchett weighing in on forum discussions.

If you want to get the very latest information, the forums are a good place to frequent.

4. You Can Promote Your Favorite Resources

The Community Pricing and Pre-Pub programs help you get new resources at lower prices. But occasionally you will want to get more bids on a Community Pricing project to try to bring the cost down or promote a Pre-Pub to help propel it into development. The forums are a helpful tool for making your case.

5. You Can Build Relationships

One of the best things about the forum is that you have 75,000+ users from all over the world, from many denominational backgrounds, and from every walk of life gathering together to talk about the one thing they have in common, their reverence for Scripture.

If you haven’t capitalized on the many benefits of the Logos forum, why not do so now? To make it easy, I have created a new thread where new users can come and introduce themselves and get to know some of the others in this huge community. Come say hi!

Written by
Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff